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Gözde İkizer
Gözde İkizer
etu.edu.tr üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Who is the most stressed during the covid‐19 pandemic? Data from 26 countries and areas
M Kowal, T Coll‐Martín, G Ikizer, J Rasmussen, K Eichel, A Studzińska, ...
Applied Psychology: Health and Well‐Being 12 (4), 946-966, 2020
Stress and worry in the 2020 coronavirus pandemic: Relationships to trust and compliance with preventive measures across 48 countries in the COVIDiSTRESS global survey
A Lieberoth, SY Lin, S Stöckli, H Han, M Kowal, R Gelpi, S Chrona, ...
Royal Society Open Science 8 (2), 200589, 2021
COVIDiSTRESS Global Survey dataset on psychological and behavioural consequences of the COVID-19 outbreak
Y Yuki, Ć Dominik-Borna, CM Tao, D Stéphane, G Guillaume, H Hyemin, ...
Scientific Data 8 (1), 2021
Post-traumatic stress, growth, and depreciation during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from Turkey
G Ikizer, AN Karanci, E Gul, I Dilekler
European Journal of Psychotraumatology 12 (1), 1872966, 2021
Predictors of enhancing human physical attractiveness: Data from 93 countries
M Kowal, P Sorokowski, K Pisanski, JV Valentova, MAC Varella, ...
Evolution and Human Behavior 43 (6), 455-474, 2022
How do survivors perceive community resilience? The case of the 2011 earthquakes in Van, Turkey
C Doğulu, AN Karanci, G Ikizer
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 16, 108-114, 2016
Big Five traits predict stress and loneliness during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence for the role of neuroticism
G Ikizer, M Kowal, İD Aldemir, A Jeftić, A Memisoglu-Sanli, A Najmussaqib, ...
Personality and individual differences 190, 111531, 2022
Exploring factors associated with psychological resilience among earthquake survivors from Turkey
G Ikizer, AN Karanci, C Doğulu
Journal of Loss and Trauma 21 (5), 384-398, 2016
Connection between the COVID-19 pandemic, war trauma reminders, perceived stress, loneliness, and PTSD in Bosnia and Herzegovina
A Jeftić, G Ikizer, J Tuominen, S Chrona, R Kumaga
Current Psychology 42 (10), 8582-8594, 2023
COVIDiSTRESS diverse dataset on psychological and behavioural outcomes one year into the COVID-19 pandemic
AM Blackburn, S Vestergren
Scientific data 9 (1), 331, 2022
Factors related to psychological resilience among survivors of the earthquakes in Van, Turkey
G İkizer
Middle East Technical University, 2014
Mountain resilience: a systematic literature review and paths to the future
R Wyss, T Luthe, L Pedoth, S Schneiderbauer, C Adler, M Apple, ...
Mountain Research and Development 42 (2), A23-A36, 2022
Systematization of different concepts, quality criteria, and indicators
J Birkmann, DC Seng, T Abeling, N Huq, J Wolfertz, N Karanci, G İkizer, ...
Work package 1, 2012
The effects of secondary stressors, social identity, and social support on perceived stress and resilience: Findings from the COVID-19 pandemic
E Ntontis, AM Blackburn, H Han, S Stöckli, TL Milfont, J Tuominen, ...
Journal of environmental psychology 88, 102007, 2023
Examining psychological resilience and posttraumatic growth following terrorist attacks in Turkey.
G Ikizer, EP Ozel
Traumatology 27 (2), 236, 2021
Cinsel benlik şeması ölçeği'nin üniversite örnekleminde geçerlik ve güvenilirlik çalışması
G Koçak, H Fışıloğlu
Klinik psikiyatri 13, 159-169, 2010
Emergency response, and community impact after February 6, 2023 Kahramanmaraş Pazarcık and Elbistan Earthquakes: reconnaissance findings and observations on affected region in …
M Şenol Balaban, C Doğulu, N Akdede, H Akoğlu, O Karakayalı, S Yılmaz, ...
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 1-30, 2024
Mediation analysis of conspiratorial thinking and anti-expert sentiments on vaccine willingness.
AM Blackburn, H Han, RA Gelpí, S Stöckli, A Jeftić, B Ch'ng, ...
Health Psychology 42 (4), 235, 2023
Early discussion and gap analysis on resilience
J Birkmann, D Changseng, J Wolfertz, N Setiadi, N Karanci, G Ikizer, ...
Center for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED), Brussels, 2012
Sexual self-schemas: An Exploration of their impact on Frequency of Masturbation and Sexual Activity, Sexual Satisfaction, and Marital Adjustment
G Kocak
Unpublished Masters Thesis, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, 2009
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