Umut Kefeli
Umut Kefeli
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Prognostic significance of perineural invasion in patients with gastric cancer who underwent curative resection
A Bilici, M Seker, BBO Ustaalioglu, U Kefeli, E Yildirim, D Yavuzer, ...
Annals of surgical oncology 17, 2037-2044, 2010
The role of 18F-FDG PET/CT in the assessment of suspected recurrent gastric cancer after initial surgical resection: can the results of FDG PET/CT influence …
A Bilici, BBO Ustaalioglu, M Şeker, U Kefeli, N Canpolat, B Tekinsoy, ...
European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging 38, 64-73, 2011
Prolonged interval in prophylactic heparin flushing for maintenance of subcutaneous implanted port care in patients with cancer
U KEFELI, F Dane, PF Yumuk, A Karamanoglu, S Iyikesici, G Basaran, ...
European Journal of Cancer Care 18 (2), 191-194, 2009
Netrin-1 in cancer: Potential biomarker and therapeutic target?
U Kefeli, A Ucuncu Kefeli, D Cabuk, U Isik, A Sonkaya, O Acikgoz, ...
Tumor Biology 39 (4), 1010428317698388, 2017
The importance of multifocal/multicentric tumor on the disease-free survival of breast cancer patients: single center experience
BO Ustaalioglu, A Bilici, U Kefeli, M Seker, M Oncel, C Gezen, M Gumus, ...
American journal of clinical oncology 35 (6), 580-586, 2012
Erdafitinib versus pembrolizumab in pretreated patients with advanced or metastatic urothelial cancer with select FGFR alterations: cohort 2 of the randomized phase III THOR trial
AO Siefker-Radtke, N Matsubara, SH Park, RA Huddart, EF Burgess, ...
Annals of Oncology 35 (1), 107-117, 2024
Small bowel adenocarcinoma
EY Chen, GM Vaccaro
Clinics in colon and rectal surgery 31 (05), 267-277, 2018
Is metastatic lymph node ratio superior to the number of metastatic lymph nodes to assess outcome and survival of gastric cancer?
A Bilici, BBO Ustaalioglu, M Gumus, M Seker, B Yilmaz, U Kefeli, ...
Oncology Research and Treatment 33 (3), 101-105, 2010
Evaluation of bevacizumab in advanced small bowel adenocarcinoma
D Aydin, MA Sendur, U Kefeli, BB Ustaalioglu, O Aydin, E Yildirim, D Isik, ...
Clinical Colorectal Cancer 16 (1), 78-83, 2017
Colorectal stenting for palliation and as a bridge to surgery: a 5-year follow-up study
B Bayraktar, IA Ozemir, U Kefeli, G Demiral, J Sagiroğlu, O Bayraktar, ...
World Journal of Gastroenterology: WJG 21 (31), 9373, 2015
Prognostic factors in elderly patients with non-small cell lung cancer: a two-center experience
U Kefeli, S Kaya, BO Ustaalioglu, A Bilici, AU Kefeli, ME Yildirim, M Seker, ...
Medical Oncology 28, 661-666, 2011
Comparison of second-line treatment outcomes between sensitive and refractory small cell lung cancer patients: a retrospective analysis
T Korkmaz, S Seber, U Kefeli, E Sari, M Canhoroz, B Oven, E Yildirim, ...
Clinical and Translational Oncology 15, 535-540, 2013
The value of plasma netrin-1 in non-small cell lung cancer patients as diagnostic and prognostic biomarker
ME Yıldırım, U Kefeli, D Aydın, N Sener, M Gümüş
Tumor Biology 37, 11903-11907, 2016
Prognostic significance of ADAM17 expression in patients with gastric cancer who underwent curative gastrectomy
D Aydin, A Bilici, D Yavuzer, U Kefeli, A Tan, O Ercelep, A Mert, S Yuksel, ...
Clinical and Translational Oncology 17, 604-611, 2015
Netrin-1 concentrations in patients with advanced gastric cancer and its relation with treatment
U Kefeli, ME Yildirim, D Aydin, OC Madenci, N Yasar, N Sener, AG Mert, ...
Biomarkers 17 (7), 663-667, 2012
Evaluation of prognostic factors and adjuvant chemotherapy in patients with small bowel adenocarcinoma who underwent curative resection
D Aydin, MA Sendur, U Kefeli, OU Unal, D Tastekin, M Akyol, E Tanrikulu, ...
Clinical Colorectal Cancer 16 (3), 220-227, 2017
Evaluation of prognostic factors and treatment in advanced small bowel adenocarcinoma: report of a multi-institutional experience of Anatolian Society of Medical Oncology (ASMO)
D Aydin, MA Sendur, U Kefeli, O Umut Unal, D Tastekin, M Akyol, ...
J buon 21 (5), 1242-9, 2016
Prognostic factors for operated gallbladder cancer
BB Oven Ustaalioglu, A Bilici, M Seker, U Kefeli, D Aydin, S Celik, T Demir, ...
Journal of Gastrointestinal Cancer 50, 451-457, 2019
Is there any role of thrombin activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor in the development of a hypercoagulable state in gastric cancer
M Eser, M Kement, S Balin, C Coskun, U Kefeli, M Gumus, YE Altuntas, ...
World Journal of Surgical Oncology 10, 1-5, 2012
Akciğer kanserinde sağkalımı etkileyen klinikopatolojik özellikler
U Kefeli, BÖ Ustaalioğlu, BBÖ Ustaalioğlu, ME Yıldırım, M Yıldırım, B Erkol, ...
Marmara Medical Journal 28 (1), 21-26, 2015
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Articles 1–20