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Alper Tolga Kumtepe
Alper Tolga Kumtepe
anadolu.edu.tr üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Effects of the ARCS‐V‐based motivational strategies on online learners' academic performance, motivation, volition, and course interest
H Ucar, AT Kumtepe
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 36 (3), 335-349, 2020
The Gifted Rating Scales-School Form: A validation study based on age, gender, and race
SI Pfeiffer, Y Petscher, A Kumtepe
Roeper Review 30 (2), 140-146, 2008
Validation of the Gifted Rating Scales–school form in China
H Li, SI Pfeiffer, Y Petscher, AT Kumtepe, G Mo
Gifted Child Quarterly 52 (2), 160-169, 2008
Kentin üniversite algısı: Anadolu Üniversitesi ve Eskişehir örneği
D Taşçı, E Gökalp, EG Kumtepe, AT Kumtepe, E Toprak
Amme İdaresi Dergisi 44 (2), 131-146, 2011
Measurement invariance of the Gifted Rating Scales—School Form across five cultural groups.
H Li, D Lee, SI Pfeiffer, A Kamata, AT Kumtepe, J Rosado
School Psychology Quarterly 24 (3), 186, 2009
Research trends in Turkish distance education: A content analysis of dissertations, 1986-2014
A Bozkurt, EG Kumtepe, AT Kumtepe, İE Aydın, M Bozkaya, CH Aydın
European Journal of Open, Distance and E-learning 18 (2), 1-21, 2015
The Effects of Computers on Kindergarten Children's Social Skills.
AT Kumtepe
Online Submission 5 (4), 2006
Gifted identification: Measuring change in a student’s profile of abilities using the Gifted Rating Scales
SI Pfeiffer, A Kumtepe, J Rosado
The School Psychologist 60 (3), 106-111, 2006
The effects of kindergarten experiences on children’s elementary science achievement
EG Kumtepe, S Kaya, AT Kumtepe
Elementary Education Online 8 (3), 978-987, 2009
Anadolu üniversitesinin Eskişehir'e etkileri ve şehrin üniversiteyi algılayışı
D Taşçı, E Gökalp, E Genç Kumtepe, AT Kumtepe, E Toprak, T Tosunoğlu, ...
Anadolu Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projesi, Eskişehir: Anadolu …, 2008
STEM in early childhood education: We talk the talk, but do we walk the walk?
AT Kumtepe, E Genc-Kumtepe
STEM education: concepts, methodologies, tools, and applications, 1-24, 2015
Uzaktan eğitimde ARCS-V motivasyon tasarımı modelinin kullanımı
H Uçar, AT Kumtepe
Açıköğretim Uygulamaları ve Araştırmaları Dergisi 2 (4), 37-54, 2016
Eskişehir’de yaşam boyu öğrenme başlığı altında yetişkin eğitiminin analizi
D Taşçı, CH Aydın, EG Kumtepe, AT Kumtepe, GK Kıcır, GD Dinçer
Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2015
Development and validation of a scale to measure volition for learning
JM Keller, H Ucar, AT Kumtepe
Open Praxis 12 (2), 161-174, 2020
From media literacy to new media literacy: A lens into open and distance learning context
YZC Ugurhan, EG Kumtepe, AT Kumtepe, A Saykılı
Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education 21 (Special Issue-IODL), 135-151, 2020
Culture and motivation in globalized open and distance learning spaces
JM Keller, H Ucar, AT Kumtepe
Research Anthology on Developing Effective Online Learning Courses, 1246-1265, 2021
Integrating motivational strategies into massive open online courses (MOOCs): The application and administration of the motivation design model
H Uçar, AT Kumtepe
Administrative leadership in open and distance learning programs, 213-235, 2018
Using the game-based student response tool kahoot! in an online class: perspectives of online learners
H Uçar, AT Kumtepe
Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International …, 2017
Okul öncesi deneyimlerin çocukların ilköğretim fen başarısına etkisi
EG Kumtepe, S Kaya, AT Kumtepe
İlköğretim Online 8 (3), 978-987, 2009
Use of ARCS-V motivational design model in online distance education
H Ucar, AT Kumtepe
Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International …, 2016
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