alim rustem aslan
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Nanosatellites: space and ground technologies, operations and economics
RA de Carvalho, J Estela, M Langer
John Wiley & Sons, 2020
Development of a LEO communication CubeSat
AR Aslan, HB Yağcı, ME Umit, A Sofyalı, ME Bas, MS Uludag, OE Ozen, ...
2013 6th International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies …, 2013
Accurate 3D viscous incompressible flow calculations with the FEM
Ü Güļat, AR Aslan
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 25 (9), 985-1001, 1997
ITU-pSAT I: Istanbul Technical University Student Pico-Satellite Program
C Kurtuluş, T Baltaci, M Ulusoy, BT Aydın, B Tutkun, G Inalhan, ...
Recent Advances in Space Technologies, 2007. RAST'07. 3rd International …, 2007
Low cost S band communication system design for nano satellites
O Ceylan, Y Kurt, FA Tunc, HB Yagci, AR Aslan
Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Recent Advances in Space …, 2011
Computing micro synthetic jet in slip regime with moving membrane
AR Aslan, O Baysal, FO Edis
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 36428, 153-160, 2002
Development of an Aerodynamic Analysis Methodology for Tractor-Trailer Class Heavy Commercial Vehicles
K Anbarci, MB Acikgoz, AR Aslan, O Arslan, OR Icke
SAE Int. J. Commer. Veh. 6 (2), 441-452, 2013
X-ray detector on 2U cubesat BeEagleSAT of QB50
E Kalemci, E Ümit, R Aslan
2013 6th International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies …, 2013
Flight dynamic analysis of ITUpSAT1
M Cihan, OO Haktanır, I Akbulut, AR Aslan
International Workshop on small satellites, new missions and new technologies, 2008
Magnetic attitude control of small satellites, a survey of applications and a domestic example
AA Sofyali, AR Aslan
Proceedings of the 8th symposium on small satellites for Earth observation, 2011
ERPSat-1 scientific pico satellite development
B Neji, C Hamrouni, AM Alimi, AR Alim, K Schilling
2010 IEEE International Systems Conference, 255-260, 2010
HAVELSAT: A software defined radio experimentation CubeSat
E Baceski, S Gökçebağ, A Erdem, CG Erbay, M Akyol, K Arslankoz, ...
2015 7th International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies …, 2015
RESISTOJET propulsion system for small satellite
D Djamal, K Mohamed, AR Aslan
2019 9th International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies …, 2019
Development and in orbit testing of an x ray detector within a 2U cubesat
R Aslan, E Kalemci, ME Baş, İE Akyol, MŞ Uludağ, MD Aksulu, E Ümit
International Astronautical Federation, 2014
Hierarchical fuzzy-logic-based electrical power subsystem for PICO satellite ERPSat-1
B Neji, C Hamrouni, AM Alimi, H Nakajima, AR Alim
IEEE systems journal 9 (2), 474-486, 2013
Efficient incompressible flow calculations using pQ2Q1 element
FO Edis, AR Aslan
Communications in numerical methods in engineering 14 (2), 161-178, 1998
Prediction and optimization of thrust performance from plasma diagnostics in the inductively coupled plasma of an RF ion thruster
L Yueh-Heng, C Yi-Chien, L Sheng-Wen, A Alim Rüstem
Acta Astronautica, 2023
Space technology capacity building in support of SDG 2030 through CubeSat SharjahSat-l
AR Aslan, HMK AlNaimiy, I Fernini, A Manousakis, M Shaikh, SR Madara, ...
2019 9th International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies …, 2019
Dynamic mesh analyses of helicopter rotor–fuselage flow interaction in forward flight
MB Açıkgöz, AR Aslan
Journal of Aerospace Engineering 29 (6), 04016050, 2016
TURKSAT-3USAT: A 3U communication CubeSat with passive magnetic stabilization
AR Aslan, A Sofyali, E Umit, C Tola, I Öz, S Gülgönül
Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Recent Advances in Space …, 2011
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Articles 1–20