Valery P. Koshelets
Valery P. Koshelets
Professor, Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Moscow
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Integrated superconducting receivers
VP Koshelets, SV Shitov
Superconductor Science and Technology 13, R53, 2000
Implementation of superconductor/ferromagnet/superconductor π-shifters in superconducting digital and quantum circuits
AK Feofanov, VA Oboznov, VV Bol’Ginov, J Lisenfeld, S Poletto, ...
Nature Physics 6 (8), 593-597, 2010
Linewidth dependence of coherent terahertz emission from BiSrCaCuO intrinsic Josephson junction stacks in the hot-spot regime
M Li, J Yuan, N Kinev, J Li, B Gross, S Guénon, A Ishii, K Hirata, T Hatano, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (6), 060505, 2012
Thermal fluctuations in resonant motion of fluxons on a Josephson transmission line: theory and experiment
E Joergensen, VP Koshelets, R Monaco, J Mygind, MR Samuelsen, ...
Physical Review Letters 49 (15), 1093-1096, 1982
Self-pumping effects and radiation linewidth of Josephson flux-flow oscillators
VP Koshelets, SV Shitov, AV Shchukin, LV Filippenko, J Mygind, ...
Physical Review B 56 (9), 5572, 1997
First implementation of a superconducting integrated receiver at 450 GHz
VP Koshelets, SV Shitov, LV Filippenko, AM Baryshev, H Golstein, ...
Applied physics letters 68, 1273, 1996
Terahertz emission and detection both based on high-Tc superconductors: Towards an integrated receiver
DY An, J Yuan, N Kinev, MY Li, Y Huang, M Ji, H Zhang, ZL Sun, L Kang, ...
Applied physics letters 102 (9), 2013
Zurek-Kibble mechanism for the spontaneous vortex formation in Nb-Al/Al-ox/Nb Josephson tunnel junctions: New theory and experiment
R Monaco, J Mygind, M Aarĝe, R Rivers, V Koshelets
Physical review letters 96 (18), 2006
Spontaneous fluxoid formation in superconducting loops
R Monaco, J Mygind, RJ Rivers, VP Koshelets
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (18), 180501, 2009
Development and characterization of the superconducting integrated receiver channel of the TELIS atmospheric sounder
G de Lange, M Birk, D Boersma, J Dercksen, P Dmitriev, AB Ermakov, ...
Superconductor Science and Technology 23, 045016, 2010
Millimetron—a large Russian-European submillimeter space observatory
W Wild, NS Kardashev, SF Likhachev, NG Babakin, VY Arkhipov, ...
Experimental Astronomy 23 (1), 221-244, 2009
High quality Nb-based tunnel junctions for high frequency and digital applications
PN Dmitriev, IL Lapitskaya, LV Filippenko, AB Ermakov, SV Shitov, ...
IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity 13 (2), 107-110, 2003
Experimental study of the RSFQ logic elements
VK Kaplunenko, MI Khabipov, VP Koshelets, KK Likharev, OA Mukhanov, ...
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 25 (2), 861-864, 1989
High-tc squid biomagnetometers
MI Faley, J Dammers, YV Maslennikov, JF Schneiderman, D Winkler, ...
Superconductor science and technology 30 (8), 083001, 2017
Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 intrinsic Josephson junction stacks with improved cooling: Coherent emission above 1 THz
M Ji, J Yuan, B Gross, F Rudau, DY An, MY Li, XJ Zhou, Y Huang, HC Sun, ...
Applied Physics Letters 105 (12), 2014
Multistability and switching in a superconducting metamaterial
P Jung, S Butz, M Marthaler, MV Fistul, J Leppäkangas, VP Koshelets, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 3730, 2014
Superconducting millimeter wave oscillators and SIS mixers integrated on a chip
VP Koshelets, AV Shchukin, SV Shitov, LV Filippenko
IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity 3 (1), 2524-2527, 1993
Optimization of the phase-locked flux-flow oscillator for the submm integrated receiver
VP Koshelets, PN Dmitriev, AB Ermakov, AS Sobolev, MY Torgashin, ...
IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity 15 (2), 964-967, 2005
Superconducting Integrated Receiver Based on Nb-AlN-NbN-Nb Circuits
MY Torgashin, VP Koshelets, PN Dmitriev, AB Ermakov, LV Filippenko, ...
Applied Superconductivity, IEEE Transactions on 17 (2), 379-382, 2007
Superconducting integrated receiver for TELIS
VP Koshelets, SV Shitov, AB Ermakov, LV Filippenko, OV Koryukin, ...
IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity 15 (2), 960-963, 2005
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Articles 1–20