Orhan Aydin
Orhan Aydin
Mechanical Engineering, Karadeniz Tech. University, Trabzon, Turkey or The University of Michigan
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Experimental study on melting/solidification characteristics of a paraffin as PCM
M Akgün, O Aydın, K Kaygusuz
Energy conversion and management 48 (2), 669-678, 2007
Natural convection in enclosures with localized heating from below and symmetrical cooling from sides
O Aydin, WJ Yang
International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 10 (5), 518-529, 2000
Drying kinetics of red delicious apple
A Kaya, O Aydın, C Demirtaş
Biosystems Engineering 96 (4), 517-524, 2007
An experimental study on the design parameters of a counterflow vortex tube
O Aydın, M Baki
Energy 31 (14), 2763-2772, 2006
Effect of different drying conditions on the vitamin C (ascorbic acid) content of Hayward kiwifruits (Actinidia deliciosa Planch)
A Kaya, O Aydın, S Kolaylı
Food and bioproducts processing 88 (2-3), 165-173, 2010
Thermal energy storage performance of paraffin in a novel tube-in-shell system
M Akgün, O Aydın, K Kaygusuz
Applied thermal engineering 28 (5-6), 405-413, 2008
Numerical modeling of heat and mass transfer during forced convection drying of rectangular moist objects
A Kaya, O Aydın, I Dincer
International Journal of heat and mass transfer 49 (17-18), 3094-3103, 2006
Aiding and opposing mechanisms of mixed convection in a shear-and buoyancy-driven cavity
O Aydin
International communications in heat and mass transfer 26 (7), 1019-1028, 1999
Natural convection in rectangular enclosures heated from one side and cooled from the ceiling
O Aydin, A Ünal, T Ayhan
International journal of heat and mass transfer 42 (13), 2345-2355, 1999
Experimental and numerical investigation of heat and mass transfer during drying of Hayward kiwi fruits (Actinidia Deliciosa Planch)
A Kaya, O Aydın, I Dincer
Journal of Food Engineering 88 (3), 323-330, 2008
An experimental study on drying kinetics of some herbal leaves
A Kaya, O Aydın
Energy Conversion and Management 50 (1), 118-124, 2009
Analysis of laminar heat transfer in micro-Poiseuille flow
O Aydın, M Avcı
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 46 (1), 30-37, 2007
Heat and fluid flow characteristics of gases in micropipes
O Aydın, M Avcı
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 49 (9-10), 1723-1730, 2006
Conjugate heat transfer analysis of double pane windows
O Aydın
Building and Environment 41 (2), 109-116, 2006
Effect of aspect ratio on saturated flow boiling in microchannels
B Markal, O Aydin, M Avci
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 93, 130-143, 2016
Effect of eccentricity on melting behavior of paraffin in a horizontal tube-in-shell storage unit: An experimental study
MY Yazıcı, M Avcı, O Aydın, M Akgun
Solar Energy 101, 291-298, 2014
An experimental study on the drying kinetics of quince
A Kaya, O Aydin, C Demirtas, M Akgün
Desalination 212 (1-3), 328-343, 2007
Mixed convection in cavities with a locally heated lower wall and moving sidewalls
Numerical Heat Transfer: Part A: Applications 37 (7), 695-710, 2000
Determination of optimum air-layer thickness in double-pane windows
O Aydin
Energy and Buildings 32 (3), 303-308, 2000
Radiation effect on MHD mixed convection flow about a permeable vertical plate
O Aydın, A Kaya
Heat and Mass Transfer 45, 239-246, 2008
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Articles 1–20