ebru eris
ebru eris
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Twenty-three unsolved problems in hydrology (UPH)–a community perspective
G Blöschl, MFP Bierkens, A Chambel, C Cudennec, G Destouni, A Fiori, ...
Hydrological sciences journal 64 (10), 1141-1158, 2019
A rainfall simulator for laboratory-scale assessment of rainfall-runoff-sediment transport processes over a two-dimensional flume
H Aksoy, NE Unal, S Cokgor, A Gedikli, J Yoon, K Koca, SB Inci, E Eris
Catena 98, 63-72, 2012
Filtered smoothed minima baseflow separation method
H Aksoy, I Kurt, E Eris
Journal of Hydrology 372 (1-4), 94-101, 2009
Spatiotemporal analysis of meteorological drought over Kucuk Menderes River Basin in the Aegean Region of Turkey
E Eris, Y Cavus, H Aksoy, HI Burgan, H Aksu, H Boyacioglu
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 142 (3), 1515-1530, 2020
Handbook of engineering hydrology: fundamentals and applications
S Eslamian
CRC Press, 2014
Frequency analysis of low flows in intermittent and non-intermittent rivers from hydrological basins in Turkey
E Eris, H Aksoy, B Onoz, M Cetin, MI Yuce, B Selek, H Aksu, HI Burgan, ...
Water Supply 19 (1), 30-39, 2019
Assessment of drought in SPI series using continuous wavelet analysis for Gediz Basin, Turkey
C Yerdelen, M Abdelkader, E Eris
Atmospheric Research 260, 105687, 2021
Critical drought intensity-duration-frequency curves based on total probability theorem-coupled frequency analysis
H Aksoy, M Cetin, E Eris, HI Burgan, Y Cavus, I Yildirim, M Sivapalan
Hydrological Sciences Journal 66 (8), 1337-1358, 2021
Homogeneity and trend analysis of hydrometeorological data of the Eastern Black Sea Region, Turkey
E Eris, N Agiralioglu
Journal of Water Resource and Protection 4 (2), 99-105, 2012
Remote sensing and GIS innovation with hydrologic modelling for hydroelectric power plant (HPP) in poorly gauged basins
HG Coskun, U Alganci, E Eris, N Agıralioglu, HK Cigizoglu, L Yilmaz, ...
Water resources management 24, 3757-3772, 2010
Estimation of baseflow and water transfer in karst catchments in Mediterranean Turkey by nonlinear recession analysis
E Eris, H Wittenberg
Journal of Hydrology 530, 500-507, 2015
Empirical sediment transport models based on indoor rainfall simulator and erosion flume experimental data
H Aksoy, E Eris, G Tayfur
Land degradation & development 28 (4), 1320-1328, 2017
Stochastic modeling of Lake Van water level time series with jumps and multiple trends
H Aksoy, NE Unal, E Eris, MI Yuce
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 17 (6), 2297-2303, 2013
Threshold Contour Production of Rainfall Intensity That Induces Landslides in Susceptible Regions of Northern Turkey
Omar F. Althuwaynee, O.F., Asikoglu, O.L., Eris, E.
Landslides 15 (8), 1541-1560, 2018
Modeling monthly mean flow in a poorly gauged basin by fuzzy logic
ZF Toprak, E Eris, N Agiralioglu, HK Cigizoglu, L Yilmaz, H Aksoy, ...
Clean–Soil, Air, Water 37 (7), 555-564, 2009
Laboratory experiments of sediment transport from bare soil with a rill
H Aksoy, NE Unal, S Cokgor, A Gedikli, J Yoon, K Koca, SB Inci, E Eris, ...
Hydrological sciences journal 58 (7), 1505-1518, 2013
Spatiotemporal analysis of drought by CHIRPS precipitation estimates
H Aksu, Y Cavus, H Aksoy, MA Akgul, S Turker, E Eris
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 148 (1), 517-529, 2022
Rainfall-runoff model considering microtopography simulated in a laboratory erosion flume
H Aksoy, A Gedikli, NE Unal, M Yilmaz, E Eris, J Yoon, G Tayfur
Water Resources Management 30, 5609-5624, 2016
Impact of climate change on meteorological and hydrological droughts for Upper Coruh Basin, Turkey
M Yılmaz, H Alp, F Tosunoğlu, ÖL Aşıkoğlu, E Eriş
Natural Hazards 112 (2), 1039-1063, 2022
SPI-based drought severity-duration-frequency analysis
H Aksoy, B Onoz, M Cetin, MI Yuce, E Eris, B Selek, H Aksu, HI Burgan, ...
13th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, Izmir/Turkey, 2018
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Articles 1–20