Serife Sevinc
Serife Sevinc
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Cited by
Training mathematics teachers for realistic math problems: a case of modeling-based teacher education courses
S Sevinc, R Lesh
ZDM 50, 301-314, 2018
Problem solving in the primary school (K-2)
R Lesh, L English, C Riggs, S Sevis
Mathematics Enthusiast 10 (1-2), 35-60, 2013
Modeling as a means for making powerful ideas accessible to children at an early age
R Lesh, L English, S Sevis, C Riggs
The SimCalc vision and contributions: Democratizing access to important …, 2013
Preservice mathematics teachers’ conceptions of mathematically rich and contextually realistic problems
S Sevinc, R Lesh
Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education 25 (6), 667-695, 2022
The role of the Singapore bar model in reducing students’ errors on algebra word problems
E Baysal, S Sevinc
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 53 …, 2022
A boundary of the second multiplicative concept: the case of Milo
AJ Hackenberg, S Sevinc
Educational Studies in Mathematics 109 (1), 177-193, 2022
The effects of a mathematics teaching methods course on pre-service elementary mathematics teachers’ content knowledge for teaching mathematics
Ţ Seviţ
Middle East Technical University, 2008
Extending the reach of the models and modelling perspective: A course-sized research site
C Brady, R Lesh, S Sevis
Mathematical modelling in education research and practice: Cultural, social …, 2015
Knowledge-in-action for crafting mathematics problems in realistic contexts
S Sevinc
Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education 26 (4), 533-565, 2023
Training mathematics teachers for realistic math problems: a case of modeling-based teacher education courses. ZDM Mathematics Education, 50, 301-314
S Sevinc, R Lesh
Mathematics Teachers' Take-Aways from Morning Math Problems in a Long-Term Professional Development Project.
S Sevis, D Cross, R Hudson
North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of …, 2017
Students’ units coordinations
AJ Hackenberg, S Sevinc
Piaget’s genetic epistemology for mathematics education research, 371-411, 2024
Middle school students’ construction of reciprocal reasoning with unknowns
AJ Hackenberg, S Sevinc
The Journal of Mathematical Behavior 65, 100929, 2022
Noticing student mathematical thinking: Self-contemplation of a pre-service teacher
S Sevinc, E Galindo
European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 10 (2), 154-169, 2022
Kindergarteners’ and first-graders’ development of numbers representing length and area: Stories of measurement
S Sevinc, C Brady
Mathematical Learning and Cognition in Early Childhood: Integrating …, 2019
Toward a reconceptualization of model development from models-and-modeling perspective in mathematics education
S Sevinc
Educational Studies in Mathematics 109 (3), 611-638, 2022
Developing an integrated framework for analyzing ways of reasoning in mathematics
S Sevinc, I Kohanová, M Iskakil-Bostan, Z Kubáček, I Isler-Baykal, M Lada, ...
IAETED academy, 2022
Pre-service mathematics teachers’ understanding of geometric concepts through writing jokes
BC Ergene, Ţ Sevinç, Ö Ergene
Proceedings of the British society for research into learning mathematics 40 …, 2020
Exploring the Potential of Using Fermi Problems to Elicit and Develop Cultural Aspects in Modelling Processes
JB Ärlebäck, L Albarracín, D Orey, M Rosa, S Sevinc
Researching Mathematical Modelling Education in Disruptive Times, 525-535, 2024
Bar model method as a problem-solving heuristic: an investigation of two preservice teachers’ solution paths in problems involving ratio and percentage
S Sevinc, C Lizano
Mathematics Education Research Journal 36 (1), 71-95, 2024
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Articles 1–20