A review on dimensions of service quality models EK Yarimoglu Journal of marketing management 2 (2), 79-93, 2014 | 547 | 2014 |
Shopping centre customer service: creating customer satisfaction and loyalty E Kursunluoglu Marketing Intelligence & Planning 32 (4), 528-548, 2014 | 200 | 2014 |
A conceptual framework for barriers of circular supply chains for sustainability in the textile industry I Kazancoglu, Y Kazancoglu, E Yarimoglu, A Kahraman Sustainable development 28 (5), 1477-1492, 2020 | 199 | 2020 |
The extended theory of planned behavior in Turkish customers' intentions to visit green hotels E Yarimoglu, T Gunay Business Strategy and the Environment, 2019 | 197 | 2019 |
Understanding sustainable consumption in an emerging country: The antecedents and consequences of the ecologically conscious consumer behavior model E Yarimoglu, G Binboga Business Strategy and the Environment 28 (4), 642-651, 2019 | 192 | 2019 |
Customer Service Effects on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty: A Field Research in Shopping Centers in Izmir City-Turkey E Kursunluoglu International Journal of Business and Social Science 2 (17), 52-59, 2011 | 165 | 2011 |
Investigating barriers to circular supply chain in the textile industry from Stakeholders’ perspective I Kazancoglu, Y Kazancoglu, A Kahraman, E Yarimoglu, G Soni International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications 25 (4-5), 521-548, 2022 | 137 | 2022 |
A Review of Service and E-Service Quality Measurements: Previous Literature and Extension EK Yarimoglu Journal of Economic and Social Studies 5 (1), 2015 | 104 | 2015 |
Entrepreneurial Propensity: A Field Study on the Turkish University Students D Turker, B Onvural, E Kursunluoglu, C Pinar International Journal of Business, Management and Economics, 15-27, 2005 | 65 | 2005 |
Mağazalı Perakendeciler ve Müşteri Servisleri E Kurşunluoğlu Journal of Yaşar University 4 (14), 2173-2184, 2009 | 55 | 2009 |
Demographic differences on service quality and perceived value in private online shopping clubs EK Yarimoglu Journal of Strategic Marketing 25 (3), 240-257, 2017 | 46 | 2017 |
Factors influencing Turkish parents’ intentions towards anti-consumption of junk food E Yarimoglu, I Kazancoglu, ZA Bulut British Food Journal 121 (1), 35-53, 2019 | 42 | 2019 |
How food retailing changed in Turkey: spread of self-service technologies I Kazancoglu, EK Yarimoglu British Food Journal 120 (2), 290-308, 2018 | 37 | 2018 |
Hastane Türlerine Göre Hasta Memnuniyetini ve Hastane Seçimini Etkileyen Unsurlar G Ataman, EK Yarımoğlu Hacettepe Sağlık İdaresi Dergisi 21 (2), 273-288, 2018 | 34 | 2018 |
Perakendecilikte müşteri hizmetleri yolu ile müşteri memnuniyeti ve sadakati yaratılması: İzmir ilinde bir araştırma E KURŞUNLUOĞLU, M TANYERI Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2011 | 23 | 2011 |
Dayanıklı Tüketim Malları Sektöründe Satış Sonrası Hizmet Kalitesi Ölçümü M Kalkan, EK Yarimoglu International Journal of Management Economics & Business 12 (30), 63, 2016 | 18* | 2016 |
İçsel Pazarlama Faaliyetlerinin İş Tatmini ve Örgütsel Bağlılık Üzerindeki Doğrudan Etkisi: Bir Kamu Bankası Örneği EK Yarımoğlu, N Ersönmez Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi 18 (1), 79-98, 2017 | 16 | 2017 |
E-Service Marketing A Ghorbani, EK Yarimoglu Marketing in the Cyber Era: Strategies and Emerging Trends, 1-8, 2014 | 14 | 2014 |
Perakendecilikte İnovatif Uygulamalar EK Yarımoğlu Akademik Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi 4 (22), 242-254, 2016 | 10* | 2016 |
How service quality in hospitals varies based on hospital ownership and demographics: a study on Turkish patients living urban areas E Yarimoglu, G Ataman Total Quality Management & Business Excellence 33 (7-8), 777-793, 2022 | 9 | 2022 |