Tolga Birkandan
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Cited by
Examples of Heun and Mathieu functions as solutions of wave equations in curved spaces
T Birkandan, M Hortacsu
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 40 (5), 1105, 2007
Applications of the extended uncertainty principle in AdS and dS spaces
B Hamil, M Merad, T Birkandan
The European Physical Journal Plus 134 (6), 278, 2019
Singular inverse square potential in coordinate space with a minimal length
D Bouaziz, T Birkandan
Annals of Physics 387, 62-74, 2017
Duffin–Kemmer–Petiau oscillator with Snyder-de Sitter algebra
M Falek, M Merad, T Birkandan
Journal of Mathematical Physics 58 (2), 2017
Dirac equation in the background of the Nutku helicoid metric
T Birkandan, M Hortaçsu
Journal of Mathematical Physics 48 (9), 2007
Heun-type solutions for Schwarzschild metric with electromagnetic fields
T Birkandan, M Hortaçsu
Europhysics Letters 119 (2), 20002, 2017
Quantum field theory applications of Heun type functions
T Birkandan, M Hortaçsu
Reports on Mathematical Physics 79 (1), 81-87, 2017
Conformal invariance and near-extreme rotating AdS black holes
T Birkandan, M Cvetič
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 84 (4), 044018, 2011
The Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau oscillator in the presence of minimal uncertainty in momentum
B Hamil, M Merad, T Birkandan
Physica Scripta 95 (7), 075309, 2020
Symbolic and numerical analysis in general relativity with open source computer algebra systems
T Birkandan, C Güzelgün, E Şirin, MC Uslu
General Relativity and Gravitation 51, 1-22, 2019
Relativistic oscillators in new type of the extended uncertainty principle
A Merad, M Aouachria, M Merad, T Birkandan
International Journal of Modern Physics A 34 (32), 1950218, 2019
Energy-dependent harmonic oscillator in noncommutative space
A Benchikha, M Merad, T Birkandan
Modern Physics Letters A 32 (20), 1750106, 2017
Pair creation in curved Snyder space
B Hamil, M Merad, T Birkandan
International Journal of Modern Physics A 35 (04), 2050014, 2020
Wave equation for the Wu black hole
T Birkandan, M Cvetič
Journal of High Energy Physics 2014 (9), 1-19, 2014
Comment on “Dirac equation in the background of the Nutku helicoid metric”[J. Math. Phys. 48, 092301 (2007)]
T Birkandan, M Hortacsu
Journal of mathematical physics 49 (5), 2008
Three dimensional gravity in the presence of scalar fields
T Birkandan, M Hortacsu
General Relativity and Gravitation 35, 457-466, 2003
The zero mass limit of Kerr and Kerr-(anti-) de-Sitter space-times: exact solutions and wormholes
T Birkandan, M Hortaçsu
General Relativity and Gravitation 50, 1-7, 2018
An analysis of the wave equation for the U (1) 2 gauged supergravity black hole
T Birkandan, M Cvetič
Classical and Quantum Gravity 32 (8), 085007, 2015
Computations of general Heun functions from their integral series representations
T Birkandan, PL Giscard, A Tamar
2021 Days on Diffraction (DD), 12-18, 2021
Effects of extended uncertainty principle on the relativistic Coulomb potential
B Hamil, M Merad, T Birkandan
International Journal of Modern Physics A 36 (03), 2150018, 2021
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Articles 1–20