Yaprak Sarıgöl Ordin
Yaprak Sarıgöl Ordin
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Undergraduate nursing students' experience related to their clinical learning environment and factors affecting to their clinical learning process
B Arkan, Y Ordin, D Yılmaz
Nurse education in practice 29, 127-132, 2018
Investigation of adaptation after liver transplantation using R oy's A daptation M odel
YS Ordin, Ö Karayurt, S Wellard
Nursing & Health Sciences 15 (1), 31-38, 2013
Effects of a support group intervention on physical, psychological, and social adaptation of liver transplant recipients
YS Ordin, Ö Karayurt
Experimental and clinical transplantation: official journal of the Middle …, 2016
Attitudes of the third-year nursing students toward organ donation: cross-sectional study
BA Söylemez, YS Ordin
Transplantation proceedings 49 (8), 1698-1701, 2017
Factors affecting attitudes toward organ donation in health care professionals
HT Damar, YS Ordin, FÜ Top
Transplantation proceedings 51 (7), 2167-2170, 2019
Quality of life in recipients before and after liver transplantation in Turkey
YS Ordin, A Dicle, S Wellard
Progress in Transplantation 21 (3), 260-267, 2011
Kronik ağrılı hastaların tens uygulaması öncesi ve sonrası yaşam kalitesi, ağrı ve hemşirelerden memnuniyet düzeylerinin incelenmesi
Ö Karayurt, H Gürbüz, Ö Bilik, F Vural, F Fırat, YS Ordin
Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi 7 (1), 2014
Organ bağışına yönelik öğrenci tutumları: hemşirelik
YS Ordin, Ö Bilik, BA Söylemez, EA Kankaya, B Çelik, E Duğrul
Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 7 (2), 28-36, 2018
Immunosuppressive Medication Adherence, Therapeutic Adherence, School Performance, Symptom Experience, and Depression Levels in Patients Having Undergone a Liver Transplant …
Ö Karayurt, YS Ordin, T Ünek, İ Astarcıoğlu
Experimental and clinical transplantation: official journal of the Middle …, 2015
Validation and adaptation of the modified transplant symptom occurrence and symptom distress scale-59 items revised into Turkish
YS Ordin, Ö Karayurt, ÖV Çilengiroğlu
Progress in Transplantation 23 (4), 392-400, 2013
Effects of peer education on attitudes toward organ donation in nursing students
YS Ordin, BA Söylemez
Transplantation proceedings 50 (10), 2971-2975, 2018
Cerrahi kliniklerdeki hemşirelik öğrencilerinin yansıtma raporlarından elde edilen öğrenme deneyimleri
YS Ordin, Ö Bilik, HT Damar, B Çelik
Eğitimde Nitel Araştırmalar Dergisi 6 (3), 106-120, 2018
Pediatric liver transplant patients’ transition to adulthood: patient and parent experiences
Y Sarigol Ordin, Ö Karayurt, T Ünek, İ Astarcıoğlu
Nursing & health sciences 19 (3), 393-399, 2017
Yanık yaraları ve hemşirelik bakımı
YS Ordin, E Sütsünbüloğlu
Türkiye Klinikleri Journal of Surgical Nursing Spicial Topics 3 (3), 216-223, 2017
Increasing university students attitudes towards organ donation with peer learning approach
YS ORDİN, BA SÖYLEMEZ, Z Deveci, EA Kankaya, B Celik, K Yasak, ...
Journal of Basic and Clinical Health Sciences 6 (1), 139-147, 2021
Böbrek nakli alıcılarında immünosupresif tedaviye uyumun farklı yöntemler ile değerlendirilmesi
Y Sarigöl Ordin, Ö Karayurt, N Ertan, S Yildiz
Turk Neph Dial Transpl 27 (3), 254-261, 2018
Evaluation of adherence to immunosuppressive treatment with different methods in kidney transplant recipients
Y Sarigol Ordin, O Karayurt, N Ertan, S Yildiz
Turkısh Nephrology Dıalysıs And Transplantatıon Journal, 2018
Investigation of medication adherence and factors affecting it in patients with stroke
G Arkan, YS Ordin, V Ozturk, RT Ala
Journal of Neuroscience Nursing 54 (1), 35-41, 2022
Hemşirelik öğrencilerinin mesleki değerleri ve tükenmişlik düzeyi arasındaki ilişki
G Arkan, YS Ordin, MÖ Haney
Acıbadem Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 443-450, 2019
The learning experiences of nursing students in surgical clinics reflected in reflection reports
YS Ordin, Ö Bilik, HT Damar, B Çelik
Journal of Qualitative Research in Education 6 (3), 2019
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Articles 1–20