Gaiyun Liu
Cited by
Cited by
Deadlock prevention based on structure reuse of Petri net supervisors for flexible manufacturing systems
ZW Li, GY Liu, HM Hanisch, MC Zhou
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and …, 2012
A survey of siphons in Petri nets
GY Liu, K Barkaoui
Information Sciences 363, 198-220, 2016
Robust Deadlock Control for Automated Manufacturing Systems With Unreliable Resources Based on Petri Net Reachability Graphs
G Liu, P Li, Z Li, N Wu
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 49 (7), 1371-1385, 2019
Robustness of deadlock control for a class of Petri nets with unreliable resources
GY Liu, ZW Li, K Barkaoui, AM Al-Ahmari
Information Sciences 235, 259-279, 2013
New controllability condition for siphons in a class of generalised Petri nets
G Liu, Z Li, C Zhong
IET Control Theory & Applications 4 (5), 854-864, 2010
Necessary and sufficient liveness condition of GS3PR Petri nets
GY Liu, K Barkaoui
International Journal of Systems Science 46 (7), 1147-1160, 2015
General mixed integer programming-based liveness test for system of sequential systems with shared resources nets
G Liu, Z Li
IET control theory & applications 4 (12), 2867-2878, 2010
Adaptive deadlock control for a class of Petri nets with unreliable resources
Z Zhang, G Liu, K Barkaoui, Z Li
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 52 (5), 3113 - 3125, 2022
Elementary Siphon-based Robust Control for Automated Manufacturing Systems with Multiple Unreliable Resources
X Li, G Liu, Z Li, N Wu, K Barkaoui
IEEE Access 7, 21006-21019, 2019
Robust Deadlock Control for Automated Manufacturing Systems Based on Elementary Siphons Theory
GY Liu, LC Zhang, L Chang, A Al-Ahmari, NQ Wu
Information Sciences 510, 165-182, 2020
Control policy for a subclass of Petri nets without reachability analysis
GY Liu, D Chao, F Yu
IET Control Theory & Applications 7 (8), 1131-1141, 2013
Computation of minimal siphons in Petri nets by using binary decision diagrams
Y Chen, G Liu
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS) 12 (1), 1-15, 2013
Two-step approach to robust deadlock control in automated manufacturing systems with multiple resource failures
G Liu, P Li, N Wu, L Yin
Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers 41 (6), 484-494, 2018
Further reduction of minimal first-met bad markings for the computationally efficient synthesis of a maximally permissive controller
GY Liu, DY Chao
International Journal of Control 88 (8), 1423-1428, 2015
A merging method for the siphon-based FMS maximally permissive controllers with simpler structures
GY Liu, DY Chao, M Uzam
IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information 31 (4), 551-573, 2014
Time based deadlock prevention for Petri nets
H Boucheneb, K Barkaoui, Q Xing, K Wang, G Liu, Z Li
Automatica 137, 2022
Adaptive Supervisory Control of Automated Manufacturing Systems With Unreliable Resources Based on Smart Switch Controllers
Z Zhang, G Liu, Z Li
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 21 (4), 5445 - 5456, 2024
Formal Analysis of Emergency Department Staffing Based on Stochastic Timed Petri Net Models
J Wang, J Wang, Q Zeng, G Liu
IFAC-PapersOnLine 53 (4), 405-410, 2020
Robust deadlock control for automated manufacturing systems based on the max-controllability of siphons
G Liu, L Zhang, Y Liu, Y Chen, Z Li, N Wu
IEEE Access 7, 88579-88591, 2019
Maximally permissive deadlock prevention via an invariant controlled method
G Liu, DY Chao, M Uzam
International Journal of Production Research 51 (15), 4431-4442, 2013
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Articles 1–20