Dr. Guven Gonca
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Cited by
Theoretical and experimental investigation of the Miller cycle diesel engine in terms of performance and emission parameters
G Gonca, B Sahin, A Parlak, Y Ust, V Ayhan, I Cesur, B Boru
Applied Energy 138, 11-20, 2015
Investigation of the effects of steam injection on performance and NO emissions of a diesel engine running with ethanol–diesel blend
G Gonca
Energy Conversion and Management 77, 450-457, 2014
Theoretical and experimental investigation of diesel engine with steam injection system on performance and emission parameters
G Kökkülünk, G Gonca, V Ayhan, I Cesur, A Parlak
Applied Thermal Engineering 54 (1), 161-170, 2013
The effects of electronic controlled steam injection on spark ignition engine
I Cesur, A Parlak, V Ayhan, B Boru, G Gonca
Applied Thermal Engineering 55 (1-2), 61-68, 2013
Theoretical and experimental study on the performance of a diesel engine fueled with diesel–biodiesel blends
G Gonca, E Dobrucali
Renewable Energy 93, 658-666, 2016
Application of the Miller cycle and turbo charging into a diesel engine to improve performance and decrease NO emissions
G Gonca, B Sahin, A Parlak, V Ayhan, I Cesur, S Koksal
Energy 93, 795-800, 2015
Comparison of steam injected diesel engine and Miller cycled diesel engine by using two zone combustion model
G Gonca, B Sahin, Y Ust, A Parlak, A Safa
Journal of the Energy Institute 88 (1), 43-52, 2015
Performance maps for an air-standard irreversible Dual–Miller cycle (DMC) with late inlet valve closing (LIVC) version
G Gonca, B Sahin, Y Ust
Energy 54, 285-290, 2013
The effects of steam injection on the performance and emission parameters of a Miller cycle diesel engine
G Gonca, B Sahin, A Parlak, Y Ust, V Ayhan, Ý Cesur, B Boru
Energy 78, 266-275, 2014
The influences of the engine design and operating parameters on the performance of a turbocharged and steam injected diesel engine running with the Miller cycle
G Gonca, B Sahin
Applied Mathematical Modelling 40 (5-6), 3764-3782, 2016
Effect of turbo charging and steam injection methods on the performance of a Miller cycle diesel engine (MCDE)
G Gonca, B Sahin
Applied Thermal Engineering 118, 138-146, 2017
Thermodynamic analysis and performance maps for the irreversible Dual–Atkinson cycle engine (DACE) with considerations of temperature-dependent specific heats, heat transfer …
G Gonca
Energy Conversion and Management 111, 205-216, 2016
Theoretical and experimental investigation of steam injected diesel engine with EGR
G Kökkülünk, A Parlak, V Ayhan, I Cesur, G Gonca, B Boru
Energy 74, 331-339, 2014
Investigation of the influences of steam injection on the equilibrium combustion products and thermodynamic properties of bio fuels (biodiesels and alcohols)
G Gonca
Fuel 144, 244-258, 2015
A study on late intake valve closing miller cycled diesel engine
G Gonca, B Sahin, Y Ust, A Parlak
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 38, 383-393, 2013
Comprehensive performance analyses and optimization of the irreversible thermodynamic cycle engines (TCE) under maximum power (MP) and maximum power density (MPD) conditions
G Gonca, B Sahin, Y Ust, A Parlak
Applied Thermal Engineering 85, 9-20, 2015
Investigation of heat transfer influences on performance of air-standard irreversible Dual-Miller cycle
G Gonca, B Sahin, Y Ust
Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 29 (4), 678-683, 2015
Exergetic and ecological performance analyses of a gas turbine system with two intercoolers and two re-heaters
G Gonca
Energy 124, 579-588, 2017
Comparative performance analyses of irreversible OMCE (Otto Miller cycle engine)-DiMCE (Diesel miller cycle engine)-DMCE (Dual Miller cycle engine)
G Gonca
Energy 109, 152-159, 2016
Thermo-ecological performance analyses and optimizations of irreversible gas cycle engines
G Gonca, B Sahin
Applied Thermal Engineering 105, 566-576, 2016
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Articles 1–20