Julius Georgiou
Julius Georgiou
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Detection of epileptic electroencephalogram based on permutation entropy and support vector machines
N Nicolaou, J Georgiou
Expert Systems with Applications 39 (1), 202-209, 2012
A Novel Wide-Temperature-Range, 3.9 ppm/C CMOS Bandgap Reference Circuit
CM Andreou, S Koudounas, J Georgiou
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 47 (2), 574-581, 2011
Toward intelligent metasurfaces: the progress from globally tunable metasurfaces to software‐defined metasurfaces with an embedded network of controllers
O Tsilipakos, AC Tasolamprou, A Pitilakis, F Liu, X Wang, MS Mirmoosa, ...
Advanced optical materials 8 (17), 2000783, 2020
Intelligent metasurfaces with continuously tunable local surface impedance for multiple reconfigurable functions
F Liu, O Tsilipakos, A Pitilakis, AC Tasolamprou, MS Mirmoosa, ...
Physical Review Applied 11 (4), 044024, 2019
Towards fast solid state DNA sequencing
S Purushothaman, C Toumazou, J Georgiou
2002 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. Proceedings (Cat …, 2002
A 126μW cochlear chip for a totally implantable system
J Georgiou, C Toumazou
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 40 (2), 430-443, 2005
Designing high efficiency segmented thermoelectric generators
C Hadjistassou, E Kyriakides, J Georgiou
Energy conversion and management 66, 165-172, 2013
Design of silicon brains in the nano-CMOS era: Spiking neurons, learning synapses and neural architecture optimization
AS Cassidy, J Georgiou, AG Andreou
Neural Networks 45, 4-26, 2013
A multi-functional reconfigurable metasurface: Electromagnetic design accounting for fabrication aspects
A Pitilakis, O Tsilipakos, F Liu, KM Kossifos, AC Tasolamprou, DH Kwon, ...
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 69 (3), 1440-1454, 2020
EEG-based automatic classification of ‘awake’versus ‘anesthetized’state in general anesthesia using Granger causality
N Nicolaou, S Hourris, P Alexandrou, J Georgiou
PloS one 7 (3), e33869, 2012
The use of permutation entropy to characterize sleep electroencephalograms
N Nicolaou, J Georgiou
Clinical EEG and Neuroscience 42 (1), 24-28, 2011
A partial-current-steering biphasic stimulation driver for vestibular prostheses
TG Constandinou, J Georgiou, C Toumazou
IEEE transactions on biomedical circuits and systems 2 (2), 106-113, 2008
Design of a one million neuron single FPGA neuromorphic system for real-time multimodal scene analysis
A Cassidy, AG Andreou, J Georgiou
2011 45Th annual conference on information sciences and systems, 1-6, 2011
Programmable metamaterials for software-defined electromagnetic control: Circuits, systems, and architectures
S Abadal, TJ Cui, T Low, J Georgiou
IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems 10 (1 …, 2020
Exploration of intercell wireless millimeter-wave communication in the landscape of intelligent metasurfaces
AC Tasolamprou, A Pitilakis, S Abadal, O Tsilipakos, X Timoneda, ...
IEEE access 7, 122931-122948, 2019
A resistorless low current reference circuit for implantable devices
J Georgiou, C Toumazou
2002 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. Proceedings (Cat …, 2002
Organic electrochemical transistors as an emerging platform for bio-sensing applications: a review
M Sophocleous, L Contat-Rodrigo, E García-Breijo, J Georgiou
IEEE Sensors Journal 21 (4), 3977-4006, 2020
Precision agriculture: Challenges in sensors and electronics for real-time soil and plant monitoring
S Marios, J Georgiou
2017 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS), 1-4, 2017
Infrared fluorescence-based cancer screening capsule for the small intestine
P Demosthenous, C Pitris, J Georgiou
IEEE transactions on biomedical circuits and systems 10 (2), 467-476, 2015
Current-mode analogue circuit representation of Hodgkin and Huxley neuron equations
C Toumazou, J Georgiou, EM Drakakis
Electronics Letters 34 (14), 1376-1377, 1998
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Articles 1–20