Sibel KazakBerument
Sibel KazakBerument
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Autism screening questionnaire: diagnostic validity
SK Berument, M Rutter, C Lord, A Pickles, A Bailey
The British Journal of Psychiatry 175 (5), 444-451, 1999
Variable expression of the autism broader phenotype: findings from extended pedigrees
A Pickles, E Starr, S Kazak, P Bolton, K Papanikolaou, A Bailey, ...
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 41 (4), 491-502, 2000
Personal resources, coping self‐efficacy, and quake exposure as predictors of psychological distress following the 1999 earthquake in Turkey
N Sumer, AN Karanci, SK Berument, H Gunes
Journal of Traumatic Stress: Official Publication of The International …, 2005
The role of institution and home contexts in theory of mind development
B Yagmurlu, SK Berument, S Celimli
Journal of applied developmental psychology 26 (5), 521-537, 2005
Can young people with autism refer to knowledge states? Evidence from their understanding of “know” and “guess”
S Kazak, GM Collis, V Lewis
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 38 (8), 1001-1009, 1997
Brief report: autism in individuals with Down syndrome
EM Starr, SK Berument, M Tomlins, K Papanikolaou, M Rutter
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 35, 665-673, 2005
A family genetic study of autism associated with profound mental retardation
E Starr, SK Berument, A Pickles, M Tomlins, A Bailey, K Papanikolaou, ...
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 31, 89-96, 2001
The relationship between greenery and self-regulation of children: The mediation role of nature connectedness
T Bakir-Demir, SK Berument, B Sahin-Acar
Journal of Environmental Psychology 65, 101327, 2019
Pre-linguistic autism diagnostic observation schedule adapted for older individuals with severe to profound mental retardation: a pilot study
SK Berument, E Starr, A Pickles, M Tomlins, K Papanikolauou, C Lord, ...
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 35, 821-829, 2005
Environmental enrichment and caregiver training to support the development of birth to 6‐year‐olds in Turkish orphanages
SK Berument
Infant Mental Health Journal 34 (3), 189-201, 2013
Türkçe İfade Edici ve Alıcı Dil (TİFALDİ) Testi: I. alıcı dil kelime alt testi standardizasyon ve güvenilirlik geçerlik çalışması
SK Berument, AG Güven
Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi 24 (3), 192-201, 2013
Türkçe İfade Edici ve Alıcı Dil (TİFALDİ) Testi: I. alıcı dil kelime alt testi standardizasyon ve güvenilirlik geçerlik çalışması
Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi 24 (3), 192-201, 2013
Turkish expressive and receptive language test: Receptive vocabulary sub-scale (TIFALDI-RT)
SK Berument, AG Güven
Turkish Psychological Society, 2010
Nature connectedness boosts the bright side of emotion regulation, which in turn reduces stress
T Bakir-Demir, SK Berument, S Akkaya
Journal of Environmental Psychology 76, 101642, 2021
The relationship between negative parenting and child and maternal temperament
M Gölcük, SK Berument
Current Psychology 40, 3596-3608, 2021
Supporting language and cognitive development of infants and young children living in children's homes in Turkey
SK Berument, D Sönmez, H Eyüpoğlu
Child: care, health and development 38 (5), 743-752, 2012
Understanding knowledge as a mental state in normal and autistic children
S Kazak
University of Warwick, 1992
Factors influencing children’s appraisals of interparental conflict: The role of parent-child relationship quality
Ş Selçuk, Z İşcanoğlu, M Sayıl, N Sümer, SK Berument
Journal of Family Issues 41 (11), 2022-2044, 2020
Okulöncesi kurumlarin kalitesi ve çocuklarin sosyal yeterliği.
II Micozkadiğlu, SK Berument
Türk Psikoloji Dergisi, 2003
Self-concept development of children in institutional care, alternative care types and biological family homes: Testing differential susceptibility
Z Ertekin, SK Berument
Applied Developmental Science 25 (4), 307-321, 2021
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Articles 1–20