Anli Ataov
Anli Ataov
Professor of City and Regional Planning
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Türkiye’de kentsel dönüşüme yöntemsel bir yaklaşım
A Ataöv, S Osmay
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2007
From participation to empowerment: Critical reflections on a participatory action research project with street children in Turkey
A Ataöv, J Haider
Children, Youth and Environments 16 (2), 127-152, 2006
Democracy to become reality: Participatory planning through action research
A Ataöv
Habitat international 31 (3-4), 333-344, 2007
Sürdürülebilir toplum ve yapılı çevre: stratejiler yelpazesi
İ Tekeli, A Ataöv Demirkan
İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayıncılık, 2017
Exploring the ways in which campus open space design influences students’ learning experiences
E Peker, A Ataöv
Landscape Research 45 (3), 310-326, 2020
Environmental aesthetics
A Ataov
Journal of Planning Literature 13 (2), 239-257, 1998
Urban streets and urban social sustainability: A case study on Bagdat street in Kadikoy, Istanbul
A Lotfata, A Ataöv
European planning studies 28 (9), 1735-1755, 2020
Different forms of governance: Responses of two metropolitan regions in Turkey to state restructuring
A Ataöv, A Eraydin
Urban Affairs Review 47 (1), 84-128, 2011
Planlamada sosyal bilimcinin değişen rolü: Toplumdan biri olmak
A Ataöv
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2007
Constructing co-generative search processes: Re-thinking urban planning/making urban plans actionable
A Ataöv
European Planning Studies 16 (6), 829-851, 2008
Constructing collaborative processes through experiential learning: Participatory planning in Kaymaklı, Turkey
A Ataöv, ZEH Kahraman
Habitat International 33 (4), 378-386, 2009
An action research approach to the inclusion of immigrants in work life and local community life: Preparation of a participatory realm
A Ataöv, B Brøgger, JM Hildrum
Action Research 8 (3), 237-265, 2010
İstanbul Eylem Planlamasına Yönelik Mekansal Gelişme Stratejiler: Araştırma ve Model Geliştirme Çalışmaları [Spatial Development Strategies for Istanbul Action Planing …
A Türel, S Osmay, M Güvenç, A Ataöv, M Akkar
ODTÜ: Şehir ve Bölge Planlama Bölümü, 2005
İnsancıl bakış açısıyla konut üretimi:‘Diğer aktörler’meselesi
A Ataöv
Planlama Dergisi 23 (2), 77-82, 2013
Karar verme süreçlerinin demokratikleşmesinde stratejik yaklaşımın rolü ve örnek uygulamalar Süreç Tasarımı, Katılım ve Eylem
A Ataöv
Planlama Dergisi 23 (3), 125-133, 2013
Empowering the community through participation and action in historic neighbourhood conservation planning
A Ataöv, ZEH Kahraman, S Osmay
Frontiers of Architectural Research 11 (3), 492-508, 2022
Co-designing local climate action: A methodological framework from a democratic perspective
A Ataöv, E Peker
Governance of Climate Responsive Cities: Exploring Cross-Scale Dynamics, 147-164, 2021
Cultural actors as agents of generating social co-presences within the place: Istanbul’s contemporary art scene
GY Kahya, A Ataöv
European Planning Studies 27 (6), 1177-1199, 2019
Barriers to Implementing Local Climate Action Plans in Turkey: Searching for a Potential Way Out
E Peker, A Ataöv
Governance of Climate Responsive Cities: Exploring Cross-Scale Dynamics, 21-42, 2021
Kentsel bölgeler için yeni örgütlenme modelleri ve gelişme stratejileri: Türkiye’de yeni dönemde ortaya çıkan kentsel bölgelerde rekabetle sosyal bütünleşmeyi uzlaştıran çok …
A Eraydın, A Türel, N Uzun, BA Köroglu, A Ataöv, H Erkus Öztürk
Ankara: TUBİTAK (Proje No: SOBAG-COST 105K001), 2008
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