Decadal changes in size, salinity, waterbirds, and fish in lakes of the Konya Closed Basin, Turkey, associated with climate change and increasing water abstraction for agriculture G Yılmaz, MA Çolak, İK Özgencil, M Metin, M Korkmaz, S Ertuğrul, ... Inland Waters 11 (4), 538-555, 2021 | 28 | 2021 |
Increased water abstraction and climate change have substantial effect on morphometry, salinity, and biotic communities in lakes: examples from the semi-arid burdur Basin (Turkey) MA Çolak, B Öztaş, İK Özgencil, M Soyluer, M Korkmaz, A Ramírez-García, ... Water 14 (8), 1241, 2022 | 17 | 2022 |
Changes in functional composition and diversity of waterbirds: The roles of water level and submerged macrophytes İK Özgencil, M Beklioğlu, K Özkan, Ç Tavşanoğlu, N Fattorini Freshwater Biology 65 (11), 1845-1857, 2020 | 14 | 2020 |
Current status of Great Bustard Otis tarda in Turkey: population size, distribution, movements, and threats İK Özgencil, F Akarsu, MM Karataş, A GÜRSOY-ERGEN, F SAYGILI-YİĞİT, ... Bird Conservation International 32 (4), 531-543, 2022 | 11 | 2022 |
Effects of Climate Change on the Habitat Suitability and Distribution of Endemic Freshwater Fish Species in Semi-Arid Central Anatolian Ecoregion in Türkiye M Korkmaz, F Mangıt, İ Dumlupınar, MA Çolak, MB Akpınar, M Koru, ... Water 15 (8), 1619, 2023 | 3 | 2023 |
Update on the status of white-headed duck Oxyura leucocephala and its breeding phenology in Central Anatolia, Turkey İK Özgencil, A Uslu Sandgrouse 43, 112-122, 2021 | 3 | 2021 |
Rediscovery and neotypification of Festuca decolorata (Poaceae), an endemic species from Mount Uludağ (Türkiye) with amended species description and notes on ecology … J Erdal, G Yaprak, İK Özgencil, M Dogan Herbarium Turcicum, 17-26, 2022 | 2 | 2022 |
Effects of DOC quality on zooplankton community structure: A mesocosm experiment D Yıldız, MC Pascual, M Metin, N Filiz, S Yetim, M Spoljar, İK Özgencil, ... | 1 | 2021 |
Functional Responses of Wetland Birds to Human-caused Habitat Degradation and Climate Change: A Case Study from Turkey İK Özgencil, MA Çolak, M Soyluer, A Uslu, M Metin, G Yılmaz, M Beklioğlu, ... | | 2021 |
Functional Responses of Wetland Birds to Human-caused Habitat Degradation and Climate Change İK Özgencil | | 2021 |
Understanding phytoplankton community assemblage processes of Turkish shallow lakes using different functional diversity components V Acar, İK Özgencil, E Jeppesen, M Beklioğlu, Ş Erdoğan | | 2021 |
Current status of Great Bustard Otis tarda in Turkey: population size, distribution, movements, and threats F Akarsu, İK Özgencil, A Gürsoy Ergen, F Saygılı-Yiğit, M Karakaya, ... | | 2021 |
EEBST 2019–Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Symposium Turkey İK Özgencil, M Beklioğlu, K Özkan null, 2019 | | 2019 |
ODTÜ Eymir Gölü Bozkır ve Orman Ekosistemleri Biyolojik Çeşitliliğinin Araştırılması ve Koruma Zonlarının Belirlenmesi M Beklioğlu, CC Bilgin, M Doğan, E Karaçetin, M Akalın, IK Özgencil, ... | | 2018 |
Elucidating the patterns in mid-winter waterbird surveys by using climate, lake water level fluctuations and macrophyte records İK Özgencil Middle East Technical University, 2017 | | 2017 |
QUERY SHEET G Yılmaz, MA Çolak, İK Özgencil, M Metin, M Korkmaz, S Ertuğrul, ... | | |
Türkiye'deki bazı toy (Otis tarda tarda) popülasyonlarının sıradışı yaşam alanı seçimleri İK ÖZGENCİL, M SOYLUER, M MAHİR | | |