Ilker Ustoglu
Cited by
Cited by
Introduction to optimization
Y Eren, İB Küçükdemiral, İ Üstoğlu
Optimization in renewable energy systems, 27-74, 2017
Enhanced V-model
MS Durmuş, İ Üstoğlu, RY Tsarev, J Börcsök
Modular fault diagnosis in fixed-block railway signaling systems
MS Durmus, İ Ustoglu, RY Tsarev, M Schwarz
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (3), 459-464, 2016
Designing control systems using exact and symbolic manipulations of formulae
MT Söylemez, İ Üstoğlu
International Journal of Control 79 (11), 1418-1430, 2006
Specification and formal verification of safety properties in a point automation system
İ ŞENER, ÖT KAYMAKÇI, İ Üstoğlu, G Cansever
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences 24 (3), 1384 …, 2016
H∞-based model following method in autolanding systems
K Tamkaya, L Ucun, I Ustoglu
Aerospace Science and Technology 94, 105379, 2019
Analytical modeling of dual winding surface-mounted permanent magnet synchronous machine for hybrid electric vehicle accessory drive systems
M Tezcan, E Mese, I Ustoglu, M Ayaz
Electric Power Components and Systems 45 (12), 1353-1369, 2017
Polynomial control systems
MT Soeylemez, IÜ GLU
IEEE Control Systems Magazine 27 (4), 124-137, 2007
Introduction to optimization optimization in renewable energy systems
Y Eren, BI Küçükdemiral, I Üstoğlu
Istanbul, Turkey, Elsevier Ltd, 2017
N-version programming approach with implicit safety guarantee for complex dynamic system stabilization applications
N Subasi, U Guner, I Ustoglu
Measurement and Control 54 (3-4), 269-278, 2021
Topology based automatic formal model generation for point automation systems
MAN Oz, I Sener, OT Kaymakci, I Ustoglu, G Cansever
Information Technology And Control 44 (1), 98-111, 2015
A local modular supervisory controller for a real railway station
O Kaymakci, VG Anik, I Ustoglu
5th IET International Conference on System Safety 2010, 1-6, 2010
Effects of varying diagnostic coverage on functional safety
İ Üstoğlu, ÖT Kaymakçı, J Börcsök
2014 International Symposium on Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering …, 2014
Neuro-fuzzy iterative learning control for 4-poster test rig
U Dursun, G Cansever, İ Üstoğlu
Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control 42 (12), 2262-2275, 2020
Hidrolik test sisteminin model öngörülü kontrolü
U Dursun, İ Üstoğlu, FY Taşçıkaraoğlu
Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 24 (8), 1443-1449, 2018
Optimization in Renewable Energy System
Y Eren, İB Küçükdemiral, İ Üstoğlu
Chapter 2: Introduction to optimization, 2017
An algebraic and suboptimal solution of constrained model predictive control via tangent hyperbolic function
U Dursun, F Yıldız Taşçıkaraoğlu, İ Üstoğlu
Asian Journal of Control 23 (5), 2420-2430, 2021
Classification of voting algorithms for N-version software
RY Tsarev, MS Durmuş, I Üstoglu, VA Morozov
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1015 (4), 042060, 2018
Application of majority voting and consensus voting algorithms in N-version software
RY Tsarev, MS Durmuş, I Üstoglu, VA Morozov
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1015 (4), 042059, 2018
A tool for automatic formal modeling of railway interlocking systems
MAN Oz, I Sener, OT Kaymakci, I Ustoglu, G Cansever
IEEE EUROCON 2015-International Conference on Computer as a Tool (EUROCON), 1-4, 2015
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Articles 1–20