Ahmet Okay Çağlayan
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Cited by
Genomic Analysis of Non-NF2 Meningiomas Reveals Mutations in TRAF7, KLF4, AKT1, and SMO
VE Clark, EZ Erson-Omay, A Serin, J Yin, J Cotney, K Özduman, T Avşar, ...
Science 339 (6123), 1077-1080, 2013
Whole-exome sequencing identifies recessive WDR62 mutations in severe brain malformations
K Bilgüvar, AK Öztürk, A Louvi, KY Kwan, M Choi, B Tatlı, D Yalnızoğlu, ...
Nature 467 (7312), 207-210, 2010
Exome sequencing links corticospinal motor neuron disease to common neurodegenerative disorders
G Novarino, AG Fenstermaker, MS Zaki, M Hofree, JL Silhavy, ...
science 343 (6170), 506-511, 2014
Impaired amino acid transport at the blood brain barrier is a cause of autism spectrum disorder
DC Tărlungeanu, E Deliu, CP Dotter, M Kara, PC Janiesch, M Scalise, ...
Cell 167 (6), 1481-1494. e18, 2016
CLP1 founder mutation links tRNA splicing and maturation to cerebellar development and neurodegeneration
AE Schaffer, VRC Eggens, AO Caglayan, MS Reuter, E Scott, NG Coufal, ...
Cell 157 (3), 651-663, 2014
Recessive loss of function of the neuronal ubiquitin hydrolase UCHL1 leads to early-onset progressive neurodegeneration
K Bilguvar, NK Tyagi, C Ozkara, B Tuysuz, M Bakircioglu, M Choi, S Delil, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (9), 3489-3494, 2013
The essential role of centrosomal NDE1 in human cerebral cortex neurogenesis
M Bakircioglu, OP Carvalho, M Khurshid, JJ Cox, B Tuysuz, T Barak, ...
The American Journal of Human Genetics 88 (5), 523-535, 2011
Genetic causes of syndromic and non‐syndromic autism
AO Caglayan
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 52 (2), 130-138, 2010
GPR56-related bilateral frontoparietal polymicrogyria: further evidence for an overlap with the cobblestone complex
N Bahi-Buisson, K Poirier, N Boddaert, C Fallet-Bianco, N Specchio, ...
Brain 133 (11), 3194-3209, 2010
Somatic POLE mutations cause an ultramutated giant cell high-grade glioma subtype with better prognosis
EZ Erson-Omay, AO Çağlayan, N Schultz, N Weinhold, SB Omay, ...
Neuro-oncology 17 (10), 1356-1364, 2015
Recessive LAMC3 mutations cause malformations of occipital cortical development
T Barak, KY Kwan, A Louvi, V Demirbilek, S Saygı, B Tüysüz, M Choi, ...
Nature genetics 43 (6), 590-594, 2011
Mutations in KATNB1 cause complex cerebral malformations by disrupting asymmetrically dividing neural progenitors
K Mishra-Gorur, AO Çağlayan, AE Schaffer, C Chabu, O Henegariu, ...
Neuron 84 (6), 1226-1239, 2014
Mutations in LAMB1 cause cobblestone brain malformation without muscular or ocular abnormalities
F Radmanesh, AO Caglayan, JL Silhavy, C Yilmaz, V Cantagrel, T Omar, ...
The American Journal of Human Genetics 92 (3), 468-474, 2013
NGLY1 mutation causes neuromotor impairment, intellectual disability, and neuropathy
AO Caglayan, S Comu, JF Baranoski, Y Parman, H Kaymakçalan, ...
European journal of medical genetics 58 (1), 39-43, 2015
VE Clark, EZ Erson-Omay, A Serin, J Yin, J Cotney, K Ozduman, T Avşar, ...
MW, Bilgüvar, K., Baehring, JM, Gutin, PH, Piepmeier, JM, Vortmeyer, A …, 2013
Biallelic mutations in the 3′ exonuclease TOE1 cause pontocerebellar hypoplasia and uncover a role in snRNA processing
RM Lardelli, AE Schaffer, VRC Eggens, MS Zaki, S Grainger, S Sathe, ...
Nature genetics 49 (3), 457-464, 2017
Mutations in MBOAT7, encoding lysophosphatidylinositol acyltransferase I, lead to intellectual disability accompanied by epilepsy and autistic features
A Johansen, RO Rosti, D Musaev, E Sticca, R Harripaul, M Zaki, ...
The American Journal of Human Genetics 99 (4), 912-916, 2016
Apolipoprotein E3/E3 genotype decreases the risk of pituitary dysfunction after traumatic brain injury due to various causes: preliminary data
F Tanriverdi, S Taheri, H Ulutabanca, AO Caglayan, Y Ozkul, M Dundar, ...
Journal of neurotrauma 25 (9), 1071-1077, 2008
Biallelic mutations in citron kinase link mitotic cytokinesis to human primary microcephaly
H Li, SL Bielas, MS Zaki, S Ismail, D Farfara, K Um, RO Rosti, EC Scott, ...
The American Journal of Human Genetics 99 (2), 501-510, 2016
Inherited diseases and syndromes leading to aortic aneurysms and dissections
AO Caglayan, M Dundar
European Journal of Cardio-thoracic surgery 35 (6), 931-940, 2009
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Articles 1–20