Nicolas R. Ziebarth
Nicolas R. Ziebarth
Other namesNicolas Ziebarth
Professor of Economics @ZEW, U Mannheim, Cornell U
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Cited by
Reprint of: The pros and cons of sick pay schemes: Testing for contagious presenteeism and noncontagious absenteeism behavior
S Pichler, NR Ziebarth
Journal of Public Economics 171, 86-104, 2019
A natural experiment on sick pay cuts, sickness absence, and labor costs
NR Ziebarth, M Karlsson
Journal of Public Economics 94 (11-12), 1108-1122, 2010
End-of-life medical spending in last twelve months of life is lower than previously reported
EB French, J McCauley, M Aragon, P Bakx, M Chalkley, SH Chen, ...
Health Affairs 36 (7), 1211-1217, 2017
Population health effects and health-related costs of extreme temperatures: Comprehensive evidence from Germany
M Karlsson, NR Ziebarth
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 91, 93-117, 2018
How natural disasters can affect environmental concerns, risk aversion, and even politics: evidence from Fukushima and three European countries
J Goebel, C Krekel, T Tiefenbach, NR Ziebarth
Journal of Population Economics 28, 1137-1180, 2015
The effects of expanding the generosity of the statutory sickness insurance system
NR Ziebarth, M Karlsson
Journal of Applied Econometrics 29 (2), 208-230, 2014
Measurement of health, health inequality, and reporting heterogeneity
N Ziebarth
Social Science & Medicine 71 (1), 116-124, 2010
COVID-19 Emergency Sick Leave Has Helped Flatten The Curve In The United States: Study examines the impact of emergency sick leave on the spread of COVID-19.
S Pichler, K Wen, NR Ziebarth
Health Affairs 39 (12), 2197-2204, 2020
Long-term absenteeism and moral hazard—Evidence from a natural experiment
NR Ziebarth
Labour Economics 24, 277-292, 2013
Does price framing affect the consumer price sensitivity of health plan choice?
H Schmitz, NR Ziebarth
Journal of Human Resources 52 (1), 88-127, 2017
Quantifying the intangible impact of the Olympics using subjective well-being data
P Dolan, G Kavetsos, C Krekel, D Mavridis, R Metcalfe, C Senik, ...
Journal of Public Economics 177, 104043, 2019
Sleep, health, and human capital: Evidence from daylight saving time
L Jin, NR Ziebarth
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 170, 174-192, 2020
Profiling the US sick leave landscape: presenteeism among females
P Susser, NR Ziebarth
Health services research 51 (6), 2305-2317, 2016
Labor market effects of US sick pay mandates
S Pichler, NR Ziebarth
Journal of Human Resources 55 (2), 611-659, 2020
Mandated Sick Pay: Coverage, Utilization, and Crowding-In
JC Maclean, S Pichler, NR Ziebarth
Positive health externalities of mandating paid sick leave
S Pichler, K Wen, NR Ziebarth
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 40 (3), 715-743, 2021
In vino pecunia? The association between beverage-specific drinking behavior and wages
NR Ziebarth, MM Grabka
Journal of Labor Research 30, 219-244, 2009
Biased health perceptions and risky health behaviors—theory and evidence
P Arni, D Dragone, L Goette, NR Ziebarth
Journal of Health Economics 76, 102425, 2021
Patient versus provider incentives in long-term care
MB Hackmann, RV Pohl, NR Ziebarth
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 16 (3), 178-218, 2024
Protecting working-age people with disabilities: experiences of four industrialized nations
RV Burkhauser, MC Daly, NR Ziebarth
Journal for Labour Market Research 49 (4), 367-386, 2016
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