Lida Kouhalvandi
Lida Kouhalvandi
Associate Professor & SMIEEE of Electronics and Communication Eng., Dogus University
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Cited by
Automated deep neural learning-based optimization for high performance high power amplifier designs
L Kouhalvandi, O Ceylan, S Ozoguz
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 67 (12), 4420-4433, 2020
Detection of signals in MC–CDMA using a novel iterative block decision feedback equalizer
K Bagadi, CV Ravikumar, K Sathish, M Alibakhshikenari, BS Virdee, ...
IEEE Access 10, 105674-105684, 2022
Power Amplifier Design Optimization with Simultaneous Cooperation of EDA Tool and Numeric Analyzer
L Kouhalvandi, O Ceylan, HB Yagci
2018 18th Mediterranean Microwave Symposium (MMS), 202-205, 2018
Deep neural learning based optimization for automated high performance antenna designs
F Mir, L Kouhalvandi, L Matekovits
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 16801, 2022
Automated optimization for broadband flat‐gain antenna designs with artificial neural network
F Mir, L Kouhalvandi, L Matekovits, EO Gunes
IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, 2021
Overview of evolutionary algorithms and neural networks for modern mobile communication
L Kouhalvandi, I Shayea, S Ozoguz, H Mohamad
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, e4579, 2022
Intelligent metasurface layer for direct antenna amplitude modulation scheme
MH Jwair, TA Elwi, M Alibakhshikenari, BS Virdee, H Almizan, ...
IEEE access, 2023
Ku-band slotted rectangular patch array antenna design
L Kouhalvandi, S Paker, HB Yagci
2015 23nd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU …, 2015
A review on optimization methods for designing RF power amplifiers
L Kouhalvandi, O Ceylan, S Ozoguz
2019 11th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering …, 2019
An improved 2 stage opamp with rail-to-rai! gain-boosted folded cascode input stage and monticelli rail-to-rail class AB output stage
L Kouhalvandi, S Aygün, EO Güneş, M Kırcı
2017 24th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems …, 2017
Artificial Intelligence in 6G Wireless Networks: Opportunities, Applications, and Challenges
A Alhammadi, I Shayea, AA El-Saleh, MH Azmi, ZH Ismail, L Kouhalvandi, ...
International Journal of Intelligent Systems 2024 (1), 8845070, 2024
Automated matching network modeling and optimization for power amplifier designs
L Kouhalvandi, O Ceylan, S Ozoguz
2019 11th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering …, 2019
Mobility-aware offloading decision for multi-access edge computing in 5G networks
S Jahandar, L Kouhalvandi, I Shayea, M Ergen, MH Azmi, H Mohamad
Sensors 22 (7), 2692, 2022
Hyperparameter optimization of long short-term memory-based forecasting dnn for antenna modeling through stochastic methods
L Kouhalvandi, L Matekovits
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 21 (4), 725-729, 2022
Automated two-step power amplifier design with pre-constructed artificial neural network
L Kouhalvandi, M Pirola, S Ozoguz
2020 43rd International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal …, 2020
Automated RF power amplifier optimization and design: from lumped elements to distributed elements
L Kouhalvandi, O Ceylan, S Ozoguz
2019 27th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR), 1-4, 2019
A review of recent innovations in remote health monitoring
AH Dalloul, F Miramirkhani, L Kouhalvandi
Micromachines 14 (12), 2157, 2023
Amplifiers in Biomedical Engineering: A Review from Application Perspectives
L Kouhalvandi, L Matekovits, I Peter
Sensors 23 (4), 2277, 2023
Magic of 5G technology and optimization methods applied to biomedical devices: A survey
L Kouhalvandi, L Matekovits, I Peter
Applied Sciences 12 (14), 7096, 2022
Multi-objective optimization methods for passive and active devices in mm-wave 5G networks
L Kouhalvandi, L Matekovits
Printed Antennas for 5G Networks, 337-371, 2022
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Articles 1–20