thomas deroche
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Theory of planned behaviour and road violations: The moderating influence of perceived behavioural control
C Castanier, T Deroche, T Woodman
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 18, 148-158, 2013
Athletes' inclination to play through pain: a coping perspective
T Deroche, T Woodman, Y Stephan, BW Brewer, C Le Scanff
Anxiety, Stress & Coping 24 (5), 579-587, 2011
Predictors of perceived susceptibility to sport‐related injury among competitive runners: The role of previous experience, neuroticism, and passion for running
Y Stephan, T Deroche, BW Brewer, J Caudroit, C Le Scanff
Applied Psychology 58 (4), 672-687, 2009
Predictors of perceived susceptibility to sport-related injury
T Deroche, Y Stephan, BW Brewer, C Le Scanff
Personality and Individual Differences 43 (8), 2218-2228, 2007
Influence of fear of falling on anticipatory postural control of medio-lateral stability during rapid leg flexion
E Yiou, T Deroche, MC Do, T Woodman
European journal of applied physiology 111, 611-620, 2011
Psychological mediators of the sport injury—perceived risk relationship
T Deroche, Y Stephan, T Woodman, C Le Scanff
Risk Analysis: An International Journal 32 (1), 113-121, 2012
Big five personality traits contribute to prosocial responses to others’ pain
A Courbalay, T Deroche, E Prigent, A Chalabaev, MA Amorim
Personality and Individual Differences 78, 94-99, 2015
Vigour of self-paced reaching movement: cost of time and individual traits
B Berret, C Castanier, S Bastide, T Deroche
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 10655, 2018
Social cognitive determinants of the intention to wear safety gear among adult in-line skaters
T Deroche, Y Stephan, C Castanier, BW Brewer, C Le Scanff
Accident Analysis & Prevention 41 (5), 1064-1069, 2009
The relation between risk perceptions and physical activity among older adults: a prospective study
Y Stephan, J Boiche, D Trouilloud, T Deroche, P Sarrazin
Psychology & health 26 (7), 887-897, 2011
Directional specificity of postural threat on anticipatory postural adjustments during lateral leg raising
M Gendre, E Yiou, T Gélat, JL Honeine, T Deroche
Experimental brain research 234, 659-671, 2016
Influence of emotion on the biomechanical organization of backward and forward step initiation
E Yiou, M Gendre, T Deroche, S Le Bozec
Motor Control 18 (4), 368-382, 2014
Vigor of reaching, walking, and gazing movements: on the consistency of interindividual differences
O Labaune, T Deroche, C Teulier, B Berret
Journal of neurophysiology 123 (1), 234-242, 2020
Joint attention is slowed in older adults
T Deroche, C Castanier, A Perrot, A Hartley
Experimental aging research 42 (2), 144-150, 2016
Is motivation for marathon a protective factor or a risk factor of injury?
A Chalabaev, R Radel, I Ben Mahmoud, B Massiera, T Deroche, ...
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 27 (12), 2040-2047, 2017
Les déterminants psychologiques de la blessure physique du sportif: une revue de littérature
T Deroche, Y Stephan, G Lecocq, C Le Scanff
Psychologie française 52 (4), 389-402, 2007
Facial expression overrides lumbopelvic kinematics for clinical judgements about low back pain intensity
A Courbalay, T Deroche, M Descarreaux, E Prigent, J O′ Shaughnessy, ...
Pain Research and Management 2016 (1), 7134825, 2016
Impact of load expectations on neuromuscular and postural strategies during a freestyle lifting task in individuals with and without chronic low back pain
C Daneau, C Tétreau, T Deroche, C Mainville, V Cantin, M Descarreaux
Plos one 16 (2), e0246791, 2021
Women's greater fear of pain is mediated by neuroticism
A Courbalay, T Deroche, T Woodman
Psychologie Française 61 (2), 153-162, 2016
Contribution of load expectations to neuromechanical adaptations during a freestyle lifting task: a pilot study
A Courbalay, C Tétreau, A Lardon, T Deroche, V Cantin, M Descarreaux
Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics 40 (8), 547-557, 2017
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Articles 1–20