Ceren hıdıroğlu
Ceren hıdıroğlu
Deneysel Psikoloji, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi
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Executive dysfunction and cognitive subgroups in a large sample of euthymic patients with bipolar disorder
E Bora, C Hıdıroğlu, A Özerdem, ÖF Kaçar, G Sarısoy, FC Arslan, ...
European Neuropsychopharmacology 26 (8), 1338-1347, 2016
Neuroanatomical correlates of genetic risk for bipolar disorder: a voxel-based morphometry study in bipolar type I patients and healthy first degree relatives
A Sarıçiçek, N Yalın, C Hıdıroğlu, B Çavuşoğlu, C Taş, D Ceylan, N Zorlu, ...
Journal of affective disorders 186, 110-118, 2015
Can risk-taking be an endophenotype for bipolar disorder? A study on patients with bipolar disorder type I and their first-degree relatives
C Hıdıroğlu, ÖD Esen, Z Tunca, ŞNG Yalçìn, L Lombardo, DC Glahn, ...
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 19 (4), 474-482, 2013
Abnormal white matter integrity as a structural endophenotype for bipolar disorder
A Sarıçiçek, N Zorlu, N Yalın, C Hıdıroğlu, B Çavuşoğlu, D Ceylan, E Ada, ...
Psychological medicine 46 (7), 1547-1558, 2016
Female vulnerability for thyroid function abnormality in bipolar disorder: role of lithium treatment
A Özerdem, Z Tunca, D Çımrın, C Hıdıroğlu, G Ergör
Bipolar disorders 16 (1), 72-82, 2014
Response inhibition and interference control in patients with bipolar I disorder and first‐degree relatives
C Hıdıroğlu, IJ Torres, A Er, G Işık, N Yalın, LN Yatham, D Ceylan, ...
Bipolar Disorders 17 (7), 781-794, 2015
Intelligence, educational attainment, and brain structure in those at familial high‐risk for schizophrenia or bipolar disorder
SMC de Zwarte, RM Brouwer, I Agartz, M Alda, S Alonso‐Lana, ...
Human Brain Mapping 43 (1), 414-430, 2022
Neurocognitive heterogeneity in young offspring of patients with bipolar disorder: the effect of putative clinical stages
E Bora, G Can, A Ildız, G Ulas, CH Ongun, NE Inal, A Ozerdem
Journal of Affective Disorders 257, 130-135, 2019
Executive functions and impulsivity in suicide attempter adolescents with major depressive disorder
M Onat, N İnal Emiroğlu, B Baykara, A Özerdem, G Özyurt, Y Öztürk, ...
Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology 29 (3), 332-339, 2019
Neurocognitive functioning during symptomatic states and remission in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia: A comparative study
D Ceylan, BB Akdede, E Bora, AY Aktener, CH Ongun, Z Tunca, ...
Psychiatry Research 292, 113292, 2020
Cortical thickness and surface area as an endophenotype in bipolar disorder type I patients and their first-degree relatives
N Yalin, A Saricicek, C Hidiroglu, A Zugman, N Direk, E Ada, B Cavusoglu, ...
NeuroImage: Clinical 22, 101695, 2019
Metacognitive knowledge and experience across multiple cognitive domains in euthymic bipolar disorder
IJ Torres, C Hidiroglu, SA Mackala, S Ahn, LN Yatham, E Ozerdem, ...
European Psychiatry 64 (1), e36, 2021
Cubukcuoglu Tas Z, Vahip S, Atalay A, Atasoy N, Ateşci F, Tümkaya S. Executive dysfunction and cognitive subgroups in a large sample of euthymic patients with bipolar disorder
E Bora, C Hıdıroğlu, A Özerdem, ÖF Kaçar, G Sarısoy, F Civil Arslan, ...
Eur Neuropsychopharmacol 26, 1338-1347, 2016
Bipolar bozukluk tanılı ötimik hastalar ve birinci derece akrabalarında dürtüsellik: Sağlıklı kontrollerle karşılaştırmalı bir çalışma
C Hidiroğlu
PQDT-Global, 2009
Neurocognition in young offspring of individuals with bipolar disorder: The role of co-existing familial and clinical high-risk for bipolar disorder
G Can, E Bora, A Ildız, G Ulas, CH Ongun, E Sprooten, S Frangou, NE Inal, ...
Psychiatry research 281, 112565, 2019
C-17 The Association between Subjective Cognitive Functioning and Quality of Life in Bipolar Disorder.
S Mackala, S Ahn, C Hıdıroğlu, E Michalak, L Yatham, T Ivan
Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 29 (6), 2014
Can serum BDNF levels be identified as a candidate endophenotype in bipolar disorder?
D Ceylan, A Ozerdem, SN Yalcin, C Hidiroglu, YC Aslan, B Bagci, ...
BIPOLAR DISORDERS 14, 66-66, 2012
Neurocognitive functions in bipolar disorder in relation to comorbid ADHD
HEA ÇelIk, D Ceylan, CH Ongun, A Erdoğan, D Tan, P Gümüşkesen, ...
Archives of Neuropsychiatry 58 (2), 87, 2021
The Association between Subjective Cognitive Functioning and Quality of Life in Bipolar Disorder
S Mackala, S Ahn, C Hıdıroglu, E Michalak, L Yatham, I Torres
Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 30 (2), 180-180, 2015
Intervention Programs Focusing on Social Cognition in Schizophrenia
C Hıdıroğlu
Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar 16 (3), 2024
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