Mehmet Babacan
Mehmet Babacan
Professor of Economics @ Marmara University
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Cited by
Economics of philanthropic institutions, regulation and governance in Turkey
M Babacan
Journal of Economic and Social Research 13 (2), 61-89, 2011
Whither an axis shift: A perspective from Turkey's foreign trade
M Babacan
Insight Turkey 13 (1), 129, 2011
Firm size and financing behavior during COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from SMEs in Istanbul
N Gur, M Babacan, AF Aysan, S Suleyman
Borsa Istanbul Review 23 (4), 804-817, 2023
Üniversite Öğrencilerinin İş Ahlakı Algısı ile Özel Sektör ve Kamu Çalışanlarının İş Ahlakı Uygulamalarının Karşılaştırılması
N Alayoğlu, AO Öztürk, M Babacan
İş Ahlakı Dergisi, 2012
Gauging the ethicality of students in Turkish institutions of higher education
RI Beekun, N Alayoğlu, AO Öztürk, M Babacan, JW Westerman
Journal of business ethics 142, 185-197, 2017
Sector-based analysis of the education-occupation mismatch in the Turkish labor market
M Mercan, M Karakaş, SH Citci, M Babacan
Edam, 2015
Understanding change in disruptive contexts: The role of the time paradox and locus of control
A Manisaligil, İ Gölgeci, AB Bakker, AF Aysan, M Babacan, N Gür
Journal of Business Research 156, 113491, 2023
Lobbying and growth: explaining differences among OECD countries
M Babacan
Topics in Middle Eastern and North African Economies, 2010
Change and continuity in national economic planning: a methodological survey
M Babacan
Economic Planning and Industrial Policy in the Globalizing Economy: Concepts …, 2015
On the path to high-income status or to middle-income trap: The Turkish economy in search of its future
AF Aysan, M Babacan, N Gur, H Karahan
Turkish Economy: Between Middle Income Trap and High Income Status, 1-11, 2018
Beyond planning and liberalization: Foreign trade and industrial development in Turkey
M Babacan
Turkish Economy: Between Middle Income Trap and High Income Status, 355-384, 2018
Türkiye’nin Yeni Dış Ticaret Paradigması
M Babacan
Türkiye'nin Yeni Dış Ticaret Paradigması, 2011
Turkish economy: Between middle income trap and high income status
AF Aysan, M Babacan, N Gur, H Karahan
Springer, 2018
Amerika’da Asya Dramı: Yeni Korumacılık ve Ticaret Savaşları
M Babacan
Çerçeve Dergisi 86, 38-47, 2018
The Nature of Lobbying and Regulation in Turkey
M Babacan
Afro Eurasian Studies 1 (1), 173-194, 2012
Whither Axis Shift: A Perspective from Turkey’s Foreign Trade, Seta R eport
M Babacan
Un ‘cambio de eje’que se desvanece: una perspectiva desde el comercio exterior turco
M Babacan
Awraq: Estudios sobre el mundo árabe e islámico contemporáneo, 48-78, 2011
Turkish Economy
AF Aysan, M Babacan, N Gur, H Karahan
Between Middle Income Trap and High Income Status, 249, 0
Improving Cooperation among Central Banks in terms of Digital Currencies: Challenges and Prospects for OIC Member Countries
J Babacan, M., Aysan, A. F., Disli, M., Oseni, U. A., Nagayev, R., Yüksel, S ...
COMCEC, 2023
Between the two worlds: Turkey’s repositioning in the global economy
M Babacan
Turkey's Asia Relations, 229-262, 2022
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Articles 1–20