Habip Eroğlu
Habip Eroğlu
Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Orman Fakültesi, Orman İnşaatı Geodezi ve Fotogrametri Profesörü
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Cited by
Using high resolution images and elevation data in classifying erosion risks of bare soil areas in the Hatila Valley Natural Protected Area, Turkey
H Eroğlu, G Çakır, F Sivrikaya, AE Akay
Stochastic environmental research and risk assessment 24, 699-704, 2010
A study on determining the physical workload of the forest harvesting and nursery-afforestation workers
H Eroglu, R Yilmaz, Y Kayacan
The Anthropologist 21 (1-2), 168-181, 2015
The Effects of Different Logging Techniques on the Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Forest Soil
H Eroğlu, T Sarıyıldız, M Küçük, E Sancal
Baltic Forestry 22 (1), 139-147, 2016
The impacts of timber harvesting techniques on residual trees, seedlings, and timber products in natural oriental spruce forests
H Eroğlu, UÖ Öztürk, T Sönmez, F Tilki, E Akkuzu
Academic Journals, 2009
Dağlık Arazide Farklı Bölmeden Çıkarma Tekniklerinin Orman Toprağının Sıkışmasına Etkisi.
H Eroğlu
Artvin Çoruh Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi 13 (2), 213-225, 2012
Using plastic chutes for extracting small logs and short pieces of wood from forests in Artvin, Turkey
H Eroglu, HH Acar, MS Ozkaya, F Tilki
Building and Environment 42 (10), 3461-3465, 2007
An investigation on roundwood extraction of Fagus orientalis lipsky, Abies nordmanniana (Stew.) Spach. and Picea orientalis (L.) Link. by Urus M III forest skyline …
H Eroglu, MS Özkaya, HH Acar, A Karaman, HA Yolasigmaz
African Journal of Biotechnology 8 (6), 2009
The comparison of logging techniques for productivity and ecological aspects in Artvin, Turkey.
H Eroglu, HH Acar
Soil stabilization of forest roads sub-base using lime mud waste from the chemical recovery process in alkaline pulp mill.
H Eroğlu, HH Acar, O Üçüncü, S İmamoğlu
Doğu ladini meşcerelerinde bölmeden çıkarma çalışmalarının orman toprağının fiziksel özellikleri üzerine etkileri
H Eroğlu, T Sarıyıldız, M Küçük, E Sancal
Artvin Çoruh Üniversitesi, 2010
The effect of dry sludge addition supplied from pulp mill on the compressive strength of cement
H Eroğlu¹, O Üçüncü, HH Acar
Journal of the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy 42 (2), 169-174, 2007
Orman yolları üzerinde odun hammaddesi nakliyatının planlanması
HH Acar, H Eroğlu
Artvin Çoruh Üniversitesi, 2001
A theoretical approach for determining environmental hazards caused by technical forestry operations
H Eroğlu
International Symposium, The 150th Anniversary of Forestry Education In …, 2007
Effects of forest roads on foliage discoloration of oriental spruce by Ips typographus (L.)
E Akkuzu, H Eroğlu, T Sönmez, HA Yolasığmaz, T Sarıyıldız
Academic Journals, 2009
Ormancılıkta Odun Üretimi Ve Fidanlık-Ağaçlandırma İşçilerindeki Sağlık Sorunları Üzerine Bir Araştırma
Acar, H.H. ve H. Eroğlu
8. Ergonomi Kongresi 1 (1), 9-14, 2001
Technical and economical analysis of the wood production system using Koller K 300 and Urus M III on steep terrain
HH Acar, H Eroğlu, T Yoshimura
Proceeding of Forest and Wood Technology vs. Environment, Brno, Chech …, 2000
Ormancılığımızda kullanılması gereken koruyucu elbise ve ekipmanların uluslararası çalışma örgütü (ILO) standartları açısından değerlendirilmesi
HH Acar, Ö Topalak, H Eroğlu
Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi ISSN, 1302-7085, 2002
Technical and Economical Analysis of Short Distance Koller K 300 Yarder Used for the Extraction of Timber in Artvin Region
Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 23 (EK5), 1249-1256, 2009
Dağlık Arazide Üretilen İnce Çaplı Odunların Plastik Oluk Sistemleriyle Bölmeden Çıkarılması İmkanları Üzerine Bir Araştırma
HH Acar, H Eroğlu, MS Özkaya
OGM Proje, 2005
Effects of work types and workload on certain anthropometric parameters in forestry workers
H Eroglu, Y Kayacan, R Yilmaz
The Anthropologist 20 (3), 515-522, 2015
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Articles 1–20