Mehmet Doganay (ORCID ID.0000-0003-3922-4901)
Mehmet Doganay (ORCID ID.0000-0003-3922-4901)
Lokman Hekim University
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Cited by
Human brucellosis: an overview
M Doganay, B Aygen
International journal of infectious diseases 7 (3), 173-182, 2003
Listeriosis: clinical presentation
M Doganay
FEMS Immunology & Medical Microbiology 35 (3), 173-175, 2003
Physiological-dose steroid therapy in sepsis [ISRCTN36253388]
O Yildiz, M Doğanay, B Aygen, M Güven, F Keleştimur, A Tutuş
Critical Care 6, 1-8, 2002
A surveillance study of antimicrobial resistance of gram-negative bacteria isolated from intensive care units in eight hospitals in Turkey
F Günseren, L Mamıkoğlu, S Öztürk, M Yücesoy, K Biberoğlu, N Yuluğ, ...
Journal of Antimicrobial chemotherapy 43 (3), 373-378, 1999
Clinical manifestations, complications and treatment of brucellosis: a retrospective evaluation of 480 patients
B Aygen, M Doğanay, B Sümerkan, O Yildiz, Ü Kayabaş
Medecine et maladies infectieuses 32 (9), 485-493, 2002
Enfeksiyon Hastalıkları ve Mikrobiyolojisi
A Willke Topçu, G Söyletir, M Doğanay
Nobel Tıp, 2008
Incidence, risk factors and mortality of nosocomial pneumonia in intensive care units: a prospective study
E Alp, M Güven, O Yıldız, B Aygen, A Voss, M Doganay
Annals of clinical microbiology and antimicrobials 3, 1-7, 2004
Anthrax in humans and animals
P Turnbull, O Cosivi, D Ashford, W Beyer, B Cherkasskiy, Beniyamin, ...
World Health Organization 4, 208, 2008
Anthrax in humans and animals
WH Organization, IO Epizootics
World Health Organization, 2008
Actinomycoses and Nocardia pulmonary infections
O Yildiz, M Doganay
Current opinion in pulmonary medicine 12 (3), 228-234, 2006
İnfeksiyon Hastalıkları ve Mikrobiyolojisi
AW Topçu, G Söyletir, M Doğanay
Nobel Tıp, 2002
Enfeksiyon Hastalıları ve Mikrobiyolojisi
A Willke Tpçu, G Söyletir, M Doğanay
Nobel Tıp, 2017
A review of cutaneous anthrax and its outcome
M Doganay, G Metan, E Alp
Journal of infection and public health 3 (3), 98-105, 2010
Risk factors for nosocomial infection and mortality in burn patients: 10 years of experience at a university hospital
E Alp, A Coruh, GK Gunay, Y Yontar, M Doganay
Journal of burn care & research 33 (3), 379-385, 2012
Antimicrobial susceptibility of Bacillus anthracis
M Doĝanay, N Aydin
Scandinavian journal of infectious diseases 23 (3), 333-335, 1991
Serology and anthrax in humans, Livestock and Etosha National Park Wildlife
M Turnbull, Doganay, Lindeque, Aygen
Epidemiology and Infection 108 (2), 229-313, 1992
Frequency of epitope-specific naive CD4+ T cells correlates with immunodominance in the human memory repertoire
WW Kwok, V Tan, L Gillette, CT Littell, MA Soltis, RB LaFond, J Yang, ...
The Journal of Immunology 188 (6), 2537-2544, 2012
Doxycycline plus streptomycin versus ciprofloxacin plus rifampicin in spinal brucellosis [ISRCTN31053647]
E Alp, RK Koc, AC Durak, O Yildiz, B Aygen, B Sumerkan, M Doganay
BMC infectious diseases 6, 1-10, 2006
Tick-borne diseases in Turkey: A review based on one health perspective
A Inci, A Yildirim, O Duzlu, M Doganay, S Aksoy
PLoS neglected tropical diseases 10 (12), e0005021, 2016
Current therapeutic strategy in spinal brucellosis
E Alp, M Doganay
International journal of infectious diseases 12 (6), 573-577, 2008
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Articles 1–20