Associate Professor of Marine Biology, Recep Tayyip Erdogan University
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Cited by
First evaluation of neustonic microplastics in Black Sea waters
U Aytan, A Valente, Y Senturk, R Usta, FBE Sahin, RE Mazlum, E Agirbas
Marine environmental research 119, 22-30, 2016
Microplastic ingestion and egestion by copepods in the Black Sea
U Aytan, FB Esensoy, Y Senturk
Science of the Total Environment 806, 150921, 2022
Beach litter on Sarayköy Beach (SE Black Sea): density, composition, possible sources and associated organisms
U Aytan, FBE Sahin, F Karacan
Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 20 (2), 137-145, 2019
Phytoplankton community composition in the south-eastern Black Sea determined with pigments measured by HPLC-CHEMTAX analyses and microscopy cell counts
E Agirbas, AM Feyzioglu, U Kopuz, CA Llewellyn
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 95 (1), 35-52, 2015
Microplastics in branded milk: Dietary exposure and risk assessment
B Basaran, Z Özçifçi, HT Akcay, Ü Aytan
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 123, 105611, 2023
Plastic occurrence in commercial fish species of the Black Sea
U Aytan, FB Esensoy, Y Senturk, E Arifoğlu, K Karaoğlu, Y Ceylan, ...
Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 22 (7), 2021
An unusual red-tide event of Noctiluca scintillans (Macartney) in the Southeastern Black Sea
U Kopuz, AM Feyzioglu, A Valente
Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 14 (1), 2014
Presence of microplastics in zooplankton and planktivorous fish in the southeastern Black Sea
U Aytan, FB Esensoy, Y Senturk, E Agirbas, A Valente, U Aytan, ...
Marine Litter in the Black Sea 56, 314-325, 2020
Seasonal changes of phytoplankton chlorophyll a, primary production and their relation in the continental shelf area of the south eastern Black Sea
E Agirbas, AM Feyzioglu, U Kopuz
Spatio-temporal pattern of phytoplankton and pigment composition in surface waters of south-eastern Black Sea
E Agirbas, L Koca, U Aytan
Oceanologia 59 (3), 283-299, 2017
Microplastic pollution in Turkish aquatic ecosystems: sources, characteristics, implications, and mitigation strategies
İ Aydın, Y Terzi, S Gündoğdu, Ü Aytan, R Öztürk, M Atamanalp, G Alak, ...
Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 23 (12), 2023
Seasonal changes of invertebrate fauna associated with Cystoseira barbata facies of Southeastern Black Sea coast
AM Gozler, U Kopuz, E Agirbas
African Journal of Biotechnology 9 (51), 8852-8859, 2010
Plastic occurrence in fish caught in the highly industrialized Gulf of İzmit (Eastern Sea of Marmara, Türkiye)
Ü Aytan, FB Esensoy, Y Şentürk, O Güven, K Karaoğlu, M Erbay
Chemosphere 324, 138317, 2023
Microplastic pollution along the southeastern Black Sea
U Aytan, Y Senturk, FB Esensoy, A Oztekin, E Agırbas, A Valente
Marine Litter in the Black Sea 56, 192-207, 2020
Microbial plankton communities in the coastal southeastern Black Sea: biomass, composition and trophic interactions
U Aytan, AM Feyzioglu, A Valente, E Agirbas, ES Fileman
Oceanologia 60 (2), 139-152, 2018
Microbial biofilm on plastics in the southeastern Black Sea
FB Esensoy, Y Şentürk, Ü Aytan
Marine litter in the Black Sea 56, 268-286, 2020
Picoplankton dynamics during late spring 2010 in the South-Eastern Black Sea
U Kopuz, AM Feyzioglu, E Agirbas
Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 12 (5), 397-405, 2012
Stress of life at the ocean’s surface: Latitudinal patterns of UV sunscreens in plankton across the Atlantic
AA Elaine S. Fileman , Daniel A. White, Rachel A. Harmer, Ülgen Aytan , Glen ...
Progress in Oceanography, 2017
Anthropogenic litter input through rivers in the Black Sea
D González-Fernández, M Pogojeva, G Hanke, N Machitadze, ...
Marine litter in the Black Sea, 183-191, 2020
Are trends in SST, surface Chlorophyll-a, primary production and wind stress similar or different over the decadal scale in the south-eastern Black Sea
E Agirbas, AM Feyzioglu, U Aytan, A Valente, I Yildiz
Cah. Biol. Mar 56 (4), 329-336, 2015
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Articles 1–20