Jacob Aho
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Cited by
A tutorial of wind turbine control for supporting grid frequency through active power control
J Aho, A Buckspan, J Laks, P Fleming, Y Jeong, F Dunne, M Churchfield, ...
2012 American Control Conference (ACC), 3120-3131, 2012
Active power controls from wind power: Bridging the gaps
E Ela, V Gevorgian, P Fleming, YC Zhang, M Singh, E Muljadi, ...
National Renewable Energy Lab.(NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 2014
An active power control system for wind turbines capable of primary and secondary frequency control for supporting grid reliability
J Aho, L Pao, P Fleming
51st AIAA aerospace sciences meeting including the new horizons forum and …, 2013
Active power control of waked wind farms
JW van Wingerden, L Pao, J Aho, P Fleming
IFAC-PapersOnLine 50 (1), 4484-4491, 2017
Effects of power reserve control on wind turbine structural loading
PA Fleming, J Aho, A Buckspan, E Ela, Y Zhang, V Gevorgian, ...
Wind Energy 19 (3), 453-469, 2016
Combining droop curve concepts with control systems for wind turbine active power control
A Buckspan, J Aho, P Fleming, Y Jeong, L Pao
2012 IEEE Power Electronics and Machines in Wind Applications, 1-8, 2012
Controlling Wind Turbines for Secondary Frequency Regulation: An Analysis of AGC Capabilities Under New Performance Based Compensation Policy
J Aho, LY Pao, P Fleming, E Ela
Active power control of wind turbines for ancillary services: A comparison of pitch and torque control methodologies
J Aho, P Fleming, LY Pao
2016 American Control Conference (ACC), 1407-1412, 2016
Control of a wind turbine with a magnetic continuously variable transmission for mitigation of torque variations
J Aho, LG Kraft
49th AIAA aerospace sciences meeting including the new horizons forum and …, 2011
Optimal trajectory tracking control for wind turbines during operating region transitions
J Aho, L Pao, J Hauser
2013 American Control Conference, 1424-1429, 2013
Stability analysis of a wind turbine active power control system
A Buckspan, L Pao, J Aho, P Fleming
2013 American Control Conference, 1418-1423, 2013
Analysis of gain-scheduling implementation for the NREL 5-MW turbine blade pitch controller
F Dunne, J Aho, LY Pao
2016 American Control Conference (ACC), 3188-3193, 2016
Controlling wind energy for utility grid reliability
JP Aho, AD Buckspan, FM Dunne, LY Pao
Mechanical Engineering 135 (09), S4-S12, 2013
Advanced control of large scale wind turbines
J Aho
University of New Hampshire, 2010
A novel active power control system for wind turbines capable of AGC and primary response
J Aho, L Pao, A Buckspan, P Fleming
AIAA/ASME wind symposium, USA, 2013
Smart grid research: Control systems-IEEE vision for smart grid controls: 2030 and beyond
J Aho, M Amin, AM Annaswamy, G Arnold, A Buckspan, A Cadena, ...
IEEE Press, 2014
Active power control of waked wind farms
PA Fleming, JW van Wingerden, L Pao, J Aho
National Renewable Energy Lab.(NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 2017
Controlling Wind Energy
JP Aho, AD Buckspan, FM Dunne, LY Pao
ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Magazine, pp. S4–S12, 2013
power generation of the wind turbines, which must be accommodated by the utility grid operators, as the reliability of the utility grid is dependent on real-time balancing of …
JP Aho, AD Buckspan, FM Dunne, LY Pao
nous 5, 2013
IEEE Power Electronics Society IEEE Power & Energy Society IEEE Industry Applications Society
MR Abedi, J Aho, M Alatalo, A Albanna, S Albatran, A Al-Durra, AJ Allen, ...
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Articles 1–20