Dr. Öğr. Üyesi, Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi
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Cited by
The effect of starch concentration and temperature on grape molasses: rheological and textural properties
M Goksel, M Dogan, OS Toker, S Ozgen, K Sarioglu, RA Oral
Food and Bioprocess Technology 6, 259-271, 2013
Rheological behaviour of instant hot chocolate beverage: Part 1. Optimization of the effect of different starches and gums
M Dogan, OS Toker, M Goksel
Food Biophysics 6, 512-518, 2011
A methodology to evaluate the sensory properties of instant hot chocolate beverage with different fat contents: multi-criteria decision-making techniques approach
M Dogan, D Aslan, T Aktar, M Goksel Sarac
European Food Research and Technology 242, 953-966, 2016
Rheological and some physicochemical properties of selected hydrocolloids and their interactions with guar gum: characterization using principal component analysis and viscous …
S Karaman, Y Kesler, M Goksel, M Dogan, A Kayacier
International Journal of Food Properties 17 (8), 1655-1667, 2014
Effect of salt on the inter-relationship between the morphological, emulsifying and interfacial rheological properties of O/W emulsions at oil/water interface
M Doğan, MG Saraç, DA Türker
Journal of Food Engineering 275, 109871, 2020
Powder caking and cohesion behaviours of coffee powders as affected by roasting and particle sizes: principal component analyses (PCA) for flow and bioactive properties
M Doğan, D Aslan, V Gürmeriç, A Özgür, MG Saraç
Powder Technology 344, 222-232, 2019
Optimization of gum combination in prebiotic instant hot chocolate beverage model system in terms of rheological aspect: mixture design approach
M Dogan, OS Toker, T Aktar, M Goksel
Food and Bioprocess Technology 6, 783-794, 2013
Incorporation of dietary fiber concentrates from fruit and vegetable wastes in butter: Effects on physicochemical, textural, and sensory properties
M Göksel Saraç, M Dogan
European Food Research and Technology 242, 1331-1342, 2016
Influence of using scarlet runner bean flour on the production and physicochemical, textural, and sensorial properties of vegan cakes: WASPAS-SWARA techniques
MG Saraç, T Dedebaş, E Hastaoğlu, E Arslan
International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science 27, 100489, 2022
Prediction of rheological parameters of model instant hot chocolate beverage by adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system
ÖS Toker, M Dogan, M Göksel
Milchwissenschaft-Milk Science International 67 (1), 22, 2012
Arıtma Çamurundan Biyogaz Üretimi ve Enerji Tasarrufu
KS Yiğit, M Gündüz, G Şerit, M Yeğin, M Saraç, İ Bayram, Ü Bostan, H Pir
Rendering Artık Yağlarından Emülgatör Üretimi ve Model Gıdalarda Arayüzey (interfacial) Reolojik Uygulamaları, Erciyes Üniversitesi
M Göksel Saraç
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Gıda Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı 247, 2018
Evaluation of non‐starch polysaccharide addition in Turkish noodles: ELECTRE techniques approach
M Göksel Saraç
Journal of Texture Studies 52 (3), 368-379, 2021
Ticari öneme sahip toz süt ürünlerinin morfolojik yapisi ve toz akiş özelliklerinin belirlenmesi
MG Saraç, DA Türker, M Dogan
Gıda 46 (1), 119-133, 2021
Dünyada ve Türkiye’de Atıktan Enerji Üretimi
M Saraç, O Uludağ
EIF Uluslararası Enerji Kongresi, 2010
Interfacial properties of poppy seed protein (Papaver somniferum L.) as an alternative protein source at oil/water interface: influence of pH on stability, morphology …
D Aslan Türker, M Göksel Saraç, AE Yetiman, M Doğan
European Food Research and Technology 247, 2545-2556, 2021
Influence of sucrose reduction and starch type on bulk and powder properties of ready-to-use powdered dessert
D Aslan Türker, M Göksel Saraç, M Doğan
European Food Research and Technology 247, 453-464, 2021
Bitkisel ve hayvansal proteinlerin eriştenin tekstürel ve duyusal özelliklerine etkisi
MG Saraç
Çukurova Tarım ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi 36 (1), 23-26, 2021
Influence of particle size on powder flow behaviour, textural and viscoelastic properties of milk-based whippable emulsions
DA Türker, MG Saraç, M Doğan
International Dairy Journal 148, 105806, 2024
Encapsulation of mono,‐diglycerides obtained from rendering waste oil: Powder, interfacial, rheological and emulsion properties
M Göksel Saraç, M Doğan
Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 45 (6), e15520, 2021
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Articles 1–20