Qi Cao
Qi Cao
Associate Professor, School of Computing Science, University of Glasgow
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Cited by
Dynamic portfolio rebalancing through reinforcement learning
QYE Lim, Q Cao, C Quek
Neural Computing and Applications, 2021
A context switchable fuzzy inference chip
Q Cao, MH Lim, JH Li, YS Ong, WL Ng
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 14 (4), 552-567, 2006
Development of augmented reality serious games with a vibrotactile feedback jacket
L Zhu, Q Cao, Y Cai
Virtual Reality & Intelligent Hardware 2 (5), 454-470, 2020
PGAN: Part-based nondirect coupling embedded GAN for person reidentification
Y Zhang, Y Jin, J Chen, S Kan, Y Cen, Q Cao
IEEE MultiMedia 27 (3), 23-33, 2020
Serious game for VR road crossing in special needs education
QP Tan, L Huang, D Xu, Y Cen, Q Cao
Electronics 11 (16), 2568, 2022
Real-time illegal parking detection algorithm in urban environments
X Peng, R Song, Q Cao, Y Li, D Cui, X Jia, Z Lin, GB Huang
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 23 (11), 20572-20587, 2022
Robustness meets low-rankness: Unified entropy and tensor learning for multi-view subspace clustering
S Wang, Y Chen, Z Lin, Y Cen, Q Cao
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 33 (11), 6302 …, 2023
Evolvable hardware using context switchable fuzzy inference processor
MH Lim, Q Cao, JH Li, WL Ng
IEE Proceedings-Computers and Digital Techniques 151 (4), 301-311, 2004
Designing an Educational Metaverse: A Case Study of NTUniverse
JK Sim, KW Xu, Y Jin, ZY Lee, YJ Teo, P Mohan, L Huang, Y Xie, S Li, ...
Applied Sciences 14 (6), 2559, 2024
Interactive virtual reality game for online learning of science subject in primary schools
Q Cao, BT Png, Y Cai, Y Cen, D Xu
2021 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology & Education …, 2021
Traffic anomaly detection in intelligent transport applications with time series data using informer
X Peng, Y Lin, Q Cao, Y Cen, H Zhuang, Z Lin
2022 IEEE 25th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation …, 2022
When VR serious games meet special needs education
Y Cai, Q Cao
Springer Singapore, 2021
Dynamic portfolio rebalancing with lag-optimised trading indicators using SeroFAM and genetic algorithms
LLX Yeo, Q Cao, C Quek
Expert Systems with Applications 216, 119440, 2023
Visualize and learn sorting algorithms in data structure subject in a game-based learning
WH Lim, Y Cai, D Yao, Q Cao
2022 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct …, 2022
End-to-end novel visual categories learning via auxiliary self-supervision
Y Qing, Y Zeng, Q Cao, GB Huang
Neural Networks 139, 24-32, 2021
Evaluations of Virtual and Augmented Reality Technology-Enhanced Learning for Higher Education
JY Wong, AB Azam, Q Cao, L Huang, Y Xie, I Winkler, Y Cai
Electronics 13 (8), 1549, 2024
A qos-tunable scheme for ATM cell scheduling using evolutionary fuzzy system
JH Li, MH Lim, Q Cao
Applied Intelligence 23, 207-218, 2005
FE-RNN: A fuzzy embedded recurrent neural network for improving interpretability of underlying neural network
JCM Tan, Q Cao, C Quek
Information Sciences 663, 120276, 2024
Experiences in python programming laboratory for civil engineering students with online collaborative programming platform
Q Cao, LHI Lim, V Dale, N Tasler
ICERI2021 Proceedings, 5784-5791, 2021
Bi-Nuclear Tensor Schatten-p Norm Minimization for Multi-view Subspace Clustering
S Wang, Z Lin, Q Cao, Y Cen, Y Chen
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2023
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Articles 1–20