Emel Cevik
Cited by
Cited by
Effect of shifting of aromatic rings on charge carrier mobility and photovoltaic response of anthracene and thiophene-containing MEH-PPE-PPVs
S Günes, A Wild, E Cevik, A Pivrikas, US Schubert, DAM Egbe
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 94 (3), 484-491, 2010
Bulk heterojunction and inverted type solar cells using a CN-PPV derivative
E Cevik, D İlicali, DAM Egbe, S Günes
Solar energy materials and solar cells 98, 94-102, 2012
We are engineers!
S Raven, DA Husseini, E Cevik
Science and Children 56 (1), 55-61, 2018
Third graders’ identities as “persons who understand nature of science” through an electricity unit
NE Kaynak, VL Akerson, E Cevik
International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology 8 …, 2020
Test Review: The Youth Anxiety Measure for the DSM-5 (YAM-5)
EM Çankaya, E Cevik
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 37 (4), 530-534, 2019
Assessing the Effects of Authentic Experiential Learning Activities on Teacher Confidence with Engineering Concepts
E Cevik, B Yalvac, MD Johnson, M Kuttolamadom, JR Porter, J Whitfield
ASEE Conference Proceedings, 2018
A Study of Secondary Teachers’ Perceptions of Engineers and Conceptions of Engineering
E Cevik, B Yalvac, MD Johnson, M Kuttolamadom, JR Porter, J Whitfield
ASEE Conference Proceedings, 2020
Professional Development Activities for Secondary STEM Teachers and Students’ Engineering Content Knowledge and Attitudes
E Cevik, B Yalvac, MD Johnson, M Kuttolamadom, JR Porter, J Whitfield
ASEE Conference Proceedings, 2020
Exploring Parents’ Knowledge and Awareness of Engineering through Middle School Students’ Summer Camps
E Cevik, B Yalvac, MD Johnson, M Kuttolamadom, JR Porter, J Whitfield
ASEE Conference Proceedings, 2019
Tiyofen ve antrasen iceren konjuge polimerlerle hazirlanan hacim heteroeklemli organik gunes gozeleri
E Cevik
Yildiz Technical University, 2010
Improving In-Service Science and Mathematics Teachers’ Engineering and Technology Content and Pedagogical Knowledge (Evaluation)
E Cevik, B Yalvac, MD Johnson, M Kuttolamadom, JR Porter, J Whitfield
ASEE Conference Proceedings, 2021
Assessing the Effectiveness of a Novel Microscopy Technique in Middle & High School Science Classrooms
S Raven, E Cevik, M Model
The American Biology Teacher 82 (7), 463-469, 2020
Students’ Lived Experiences with the Integrated STEM Activities
M Alaqra, B Yalvac, M Johnson, E Cevik, M Kuttolamadom, J Porter, ...
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2022
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Articles 1–13