Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Harun Erol
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Harun Erol
Kayseri Üniversitesi Makine ve Metal Teknolojileri Bölümü
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Cited by
Effect of heat treatment on the microstructures and mechanical properties of Al-5.5 Zn-2.5 Mg alloy
E Acer, E Çadırlı, H Erol, T Kırındı, M Gündüz
Materials Science and Engineering: A 662, 144-156, 2016
Effect of growth rate on the microstructure and microhardness in a directionally solidified Al-Zn-Mg alloy
E Acer, E Çadırlı, H Erol, M Gündüz
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 47, 3040-3051, 2016
Effects of growth rates and compositions on dendrite arm spacings in directionally solidified Al-Zn alloys
E Acer, E Çadırlı, H Erol, H Kaya, M Gündüz
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 48, 5911-5923, 2017
Effect of low B addition on Al-Zn alloy's hydrogen production performance
MF Kaya, O Kahveci, H Erol, A Akkaya
international journal of hydrogen energy 46 (29), 15192-15202, 2021
Dependency of the thermal and electrical conductivity on temperatures and compositions of Zn in the Al− Zn alloys
H Erol, E Çadirli, EA Erol, M Gündüz
International Journal of Cast Metals Research 32 (2), 95-105, 2019
Relationship Between Growth Rates and Dendritic Microstructure Parameters In Al-5wt. Zn Binary Alloy
E Acer, H Erol, M Gündüz
Materials Science Forum 765, 215-219, 2013
Effect of aging on conductivity of heat resistant overhead line conductors
H Tecer, E Acer, H Erol, M Gündüz
Materials Science Forum 765, 783-787, 2013
Determination of solid-liquid interfacial energy of solid Mg2Si intermetallic phase in equilibrium with liquid AlSiMg eutectic solution in AlSiMg energy storage alloy
O Kahveci, H Erol, OTJ Joban, M Gündüz
Intermetallics 135, 107235, 2021
Tensile strength of Al-Zr overhead line conductors
H Erol, H Tecer, E Acer, C Kadioğlu, M Gündüz
Materials Science Forum 765, 793-797, 2013
Investigation of the AlB2 intermetallic phases effect on Al–Zn–B alloys’ electrochemical performance in Al–air battery anodes
O Kahveci, MF Kaya, H Erol
Applied Physics A 129 (5), 324, 2023
Solid-liquid interfacial energy of Al-Zn solid-solutions in equilibrium with Al-Zn liquid
E Yılmaz, H Erol, EA Erol, M Gündüz
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 529 (1), 012084, 2019
Effect of Growth Velocity and Zn Content on Microhardness in Directionally Solidified Al-Zn Alloys
E Acer, E Çadırlı, H Erol, H Kaya, M Şahin, M Gündüz
Materials Research 21 (6), e20180337, 2018
Al-Zn alaşımında bileşim ve sıcaklığın ısısal iletkenliğe, elektriksel iletkenliğe ve katı-sıvı yüzey enerjisine etkisi
H Erol
Erciyes Üniversitesi, 2016
Al-B İkili Alaşımının Hidrojen Üretim Performansına Bi Katkılamanın Etkisi
H Erol
Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 38 (3 …, 2022
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Articles 1–14