Incidence and risk factors for colistin-associated nephrotoxicity F Temocin, S Erdinc, N Tulek, M Demirelli, C Bulut, G Ertem Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases 68 (4), 318-320, 2015 | 60 | 2015 |
Investigation of risk factors for community-acquired urinary tract infections caused by extended-spectrum beta-lactamase Escherichia coli and Klebsiella species E Koksal, N Tulek, MC Sonmezer, F Temocin, C Bulut, C Hatipoglu, ... Investigative and clinical urology 60 (1), 46-53, 2019 | 56 | 2019 |
Synergistic effects of sulbactam in multi-drug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii F Temocin, FS Erdinc, N Tulek, M Demirelli, G Ertem, S Kinikli, E Koksal Brazilian Journal of Microbiology 46 (4), 1119-1124, 2015 | 49 | 2015 |
Sağlık Çalışanlarının İnfluenza Aşısına Yaklaşımları. T Sarı, F Temoçin, H Köse Klimik Journal/Klimik Dergisi 30 (2), 2017 | 27 | 2017 |
Patient reported voice handicap and auditory-perceptual voice assessment outcomes in patients with COVID-19 E Tahir, E Kavaz, S Cengel Kurnaz, F Temoçin, A Atilla Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology 48 (2), 88-97, 2023 | 19 | 2023 |
Attitudes of Healthcare Workers Towards Influenza Vaccine/Saglik Calisanlarinin influenza Asisina Yaklasimlari T Sari, F Temocin, H Kose KLIMIK Journal 30 (2), 59-64, 2017 | 13 | 2017 |
Sandfly fever with skin lesions: A case series from Turkey F Temocin, T Sari, N Tulek Journal of arthropod-borne diseases 10 (4), 608, 2016 | 11 | 2016 |
The efficacy of oral ribavirin on clinical and laboratory parameters inCrimean? Congo hemorrhagic fever: an observational study from Turkey G Ertem, MÇ Sönmezer, F Temocin, ÇA Hatipoğlu, N Tülek, B Oral Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences 46 (5), 1407-1414, 2016 | 9 | 2016 |
Measles Seroprevalence in Yozgat City Hospital Employees/Yozgat Sehir Hastanesi Calisanlarinda Kizamik Seroprevalansi H Kose, F Temocin Klimik Journal 31 (2), 144-148, 2018 | 7 | 2018 |
Seroprevalence of Crimean–Congo hemorrhagic fever among health care workers in a hospital in an endemic region of Turkey F Temocin, H Köse, T Sarı, F Duygu, RO Şahin The Journal of Infection in Developing Countries 12 (07), 587-591, 2018 | 7 | 2018 |
Evaluation of risk factors for the development of bacteremia and complications in patients with brucellosis: Is it possible to predict the clinical course? T KURUOĞLU, L Sensoy, A Atilla, F Temocin, D Gur, E Tanyel Journal of Infection in Developing Countries, 2023 | 6 | 2023 |
Toplum kökenli üriner sistem infeksiyonlarında etken olan genişlemiş spektrumlu beta-laktamaz üreten Escherichia coli izolatlarında fosfomisin trometamolün in vitro etkinliği MÇ Sönmezer, N Tülek, E Köksal, F Temoçin, G Ertem, FŞ Erdinç Flora 21 (4), 153-158, 2016 | 6 | 2016 |
Clinical evaluation of patients with COVID-19 within the framework of comorbidities M Okuyucu, O Ozturk, MH Atay, YT Gullu, F Temocin, O Terzi Med Bull Sisli Etfal Hosp 56, 311-317, 2022 | 5 | 2022 |
Invasive Mold Infections in Patients with Hematologic Malignities: The Effects of Environmental Factors A Atilla, M Celik, Ö Çolak, T Kuruoğlu, F Temoçin, E Kelkitli, A Birinci Mikrobiyoloji bulteni 56 (2), 2022 | 4 | 2022 |
Evaluation of Adult Cases of Visceral Leishmaniasis Reported in Turkey by Pool Analysis Method H Kose, F Temocin KLIMIK JOURNAL 33 (2), 2020 | 4 | 2020 |
Tularemi salgını ve sonrası; mevsimsel değişikliklerin etkisi H Köse, F Temoçin, T Sarı Mikrobiyol Bul 54 (2), 203-210, 2020 | 4 | 2020 |
Akut Gastroenteritli Çocuklarda Adenovirüs ve Rotavirüs Sıklığının Araştırılması H KösE, F TEmoçİn Flora 24 (1), 22-26, 2019 | 4 | 2019 |
Enfeksiyon kontrol önlemlerine ilişkin klinik karar destek sistemlerinin hazırlanması ve etkililiğin değerlendirilmesi F Temoçin, H Köse, AA Sürel Journal of Health Sciences and Medicine 2 (2), 54-57, 2019 | 4 | 2019 |
Seroprevalence of hepatitis A virus antibodies among the patients with chronic hepatitis B in Turkey N Tulek, M Ozsoy, C Moroglu, MC Sonmezer, F Temocin, GT Ertem, ... Euroasian journal of hepato-gastroenterology 5 (2), 95, 2016 | 4 | 2016 |