Türk mimarisinin gelişimi ve Mimar Sinan M Sözen (No Title), 1975 | 166 | 1975 |
Strategies and boundaries: subcontracting in construction B Üsdiken, Z Sözen, H Enbiyaoḡlu Strategic Management Journal 9 (6), 633-637, 1988 | 80 | 1988 |
Fenerli beyler: 110 yılın öyküsü, 1711-1821 Z Sözen Aybay, 2000 | 55 | 2000 |
Secondary subcontracting in the Turkish construction industry Z Sozen, MA Kucuk Construction Management & Economics 17 (2), 215-220, 1999 | 45 | 1999 |
International contracting: A Turkish perspective H Giritli, Z Sozen, R Flanagan, P Lansley Construction management and economics 8 (4), 415-430, 1990 | 29 | 1990 |
Organizational context, structural attributes and management systems in construction firms H Kabasakal, A SÖZEN Construction management and economics 7 (4), 1989 | 23 | 1989 |
Osmanlı Kültürünün Eflak ve Boğdan'ın Yaşamına Etkisi Z SÖZEN Türkler Ansiklopedisi 12, 25-39, 2013 | 14* | 2013 |
Factors Affecting Construction Productivity: A Survey Z Sozen, H Giritli International Journal of Construction Management and Technology 2 (1), 49-61, 1987 | 13 | 1987 |
FIDIC Genel Koşullarından Örneklerle İnşaat Sözleşmelerinin Yönetimi Z Sözen Legal Yayıncılık, İstanbul, 2015 | 11 | 2015 |
Correlates of the length of the relationship between main and specialist trade contractors in the construction industry Z Sözen, O Kayahan Construction Management and Economics 19 (2), 131-133, 2001 | 10 | 2001 |
Size, technology and aspects of structure in contractor firms in Turkey Z Sözen Construction Management and Economics 3 (3), 233-247, 1985 | 10 | 1985 |
Subcontracting policies and strategies of construction firms Z Sözen INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON BUILDING ECONOMICS AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT …, 1990 | 8 | 1990 |
Örgütlerin sınırları: inşaat firmalarında alt-yüklenici kullanımı B Üsdiken, Z Sözen Bogazici University, 1989 | 7 | 1989 |
Management of transactions: The design/construction interface Z Sozen Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, 43-49, 1996 | 6 | 1996 |
Organization-environment interaction: subcontracting in construction B Üsdiken, Z Sözen Bogazici Universitesi, 1985 | 3 | 1985 |
Yüklenici işletmelerde örgütsel strüktür, büyüklük ve teknoloji ilişkisi AZ Sözen İTÜ, 1983 | 3 | 1983 |
THE UNOFFICIAL GIFT IN CANTEMIR’S HISTORY OF THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE: FORMS AND FUNCTIONS Z SÖZEN Cogito – Multidisciplinary Research Journal 11 (2), 39-51, 2019 | 2 | 2019 |
Architectural Design as a Source of Contractual Claims: Four Case Studies Z Sözen, A.Z, Yazıcıoğlu DergiPark Journal of Current Researches on Engineering, Science and …, 2018 | 2* | 2018 |
Constantin Ipsilanti’s Contributions To Ottoman Military Reform Z Sözen Euromentor Journal-Studies About Education 8 (1), 149-156, 2017 | 2 | 2017 |
The Vicious Circle: Cantemir’s Friends and Foes in Istanbul Z Sözen Analele Universitatii Creştine “Dimitrie Cantemir”, Seria Istorie 4 (1), 7-11, 2010 | 2 | 2010 |