Measurement of Kbeta/Kalpha intensity ratios for elements in the range 22<Z<69 at 59.5 keV M Ertuğrul, Ö Söğüt, Ö Şimşek, E and Büyükkasap J. Physics B: At. Mol. Opt. Physics 34, 909-914, 2001 | 85 | 2001 |
Chemical-effect variation of Kβ/Kα X-ray intensity ratios in 3d elements Ö Söğüt, E Büyükkasap, H Erdoğan Radiation Physics and Chemistry 64 (5-6), 343-348, 2002 | 78 | 2002 |
Chemical Effects on Kbeta/Kalpha X-Ray Intensity Ratios of Mo, Ag, Cd, Ba, La, Ce Compounds and total mass attenuation coefficients of Fe and Cu Ö Söğüt, E Baydaş, S Seven, E Büyükkasap, A Küçükönder Spectrochimica Acta Part B 56, 1367-1374, 2001 | 53 | 2001 |
Alloying Effect on Kβ/Kα Intensity Ratios in CrxNi1−x and CrxAl1−x Alloys Ö Söğüt, E Büyükkasap, A Küçükönder, M Ertuğul, Ö Şimşek Applied Spectroscopy Reviews 30 (3), 175-180, 1995 | 50 | 1995 |
L subshell fluorescence cross-sections and L subshell fluorescence yields in elements 68 Z 92 by 59.5 keV photons M Şahin, L Demir, Ö Söğüt, M Ertuğrul, O İçelli J. Physics B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 33, 93-98, (2000). 33, 93-98, 2000 | 44 | 2000 |
Türkiye'nin Güneydoğusunda, Şanlıurfa ve-Çevresinde Özkıyım Girişimlerinin Değerlendirilmesi. Ö Söğüt, MB Sayhan, MT Gökdemir, H Kaya, B Al, M Orak, M Ustündağ Journal of Academic Emergency Medicine/Akademik Acil Tip Olgu Sunumlari …, 2011 | 37 | 2011 |
Chemical effect on L X-ray intensity ratios of mercury, lead, and bismuth Ö Sögüt, E Büyükkasap, M Ertugrul, A Küçükönder Applied spectroscopy reviews 32 (1-2), 167-173, 1997 | 32 | 1997 |
Kβ/Kα x‐ray intensity ratios for bromine and iodine compounds A Küçükönder, Ö Söğüt, E Büyükkasap, E Küçükönder, H Çam X‐Ray Spectrometry: An International Journal 32 (1), 60-63, 2003 | 29 | 2003 |
Investigation on zinc selenide and copper selenide thin films produced by chemical bath deposition BG Durdu, U Alver, A Kucukonder, Ö Söğüt, M Kavgacı Acta physica polonica A 124 (1), 41-45, 2013 | 28 | 2013 |
Batman Devlet Hastanesi Acil Servisine yedi ayda başvuran 39 kene ısırığının değerlendirilmesi B Al, C Yıldırım, Ö Söğüt, A Yeşilkaya Akad Acil Tıp Derg 7 (1), 40-3, 2008 | 28 | 2008 |
Measurement of L subshell X-ray fluorescence cross-sections at 59.54 keV and L subshell fluorescence yields for elements in the atomic range 55≤ Z≤ 81 A Kaya, M Ertuğrul, O Doğan, Ö Söğüt, Ü Turgut, Ö Şimşek Analytica chimica acta 441 (2), 317-323, 2001 | 27 | 2001 |
Fit Values of M subshell fluorescence yields and Coster-Kronig transitions for elements with 20<Z<90 Ö Söğüt, E Büyükkasap, A Küçükönder, M Ertuğrul, O Doğan, H Erdoğan, ... X-Ray Spectrometry 31 (1), 62-70, 2002 | 24 | 2002 |
Chemical effects on L X-ray fluorescence cross-sections of Ba, La, and Ce compounds E Baydaş, Ö Söğüt, Y Şahin, E Büyükkasap Radiation Physics and Chemistry 54 (3), 217-221, 1999 | 24 | 1999 |
Elemental concentration analysis in some plant samples by EDXRF at Trabzon E Tıraşoğlu, Ö Söğüt, G Apaydın, V Aylıkcı, N Damla Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 102 (3), 396-401, 2006 | 22 | 2006 |
Measurement of vacancy transfer probability from K to L shell using K-shell fluorescence yields Ö Söğüt, E Büyükkasap, A Küçükönder, T Tarakçioǧlu Pramana 73, 711-718, 2009 | 19* | 2009 |
Measurements of radiative vacancy transfer probabilities from L3 subshells to M, N and O shells and subshells in the atomic range 72⩽ Z⩽ 92 F Tuzluca, Ö Söğüt, E Büyükkasap, BG Durdu, A Küçükönder Radiation Physics and Chemistry 77 (9), 996-1001, 2008 | 19 | 2008 |
LX-Ray Production Cross-Sections, Average L Shell Fluorescence Yield and Intensity Ratios in Heavy Elements A Küçükönder, BG Durdu, Ö Söğüt, E Büyükkasap Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 26 (1), 89-97, 2004 | 18 | 2004 |
Measurement of Kalpha and Kbeta x-rays polarization degree and polarization effect on the Kbeta/Kalpha intensity ratio M Ertuğrul, Ö Şimşek, O Doğan, E Öz, Ö Söğüt, Ü and Turgut Nuclear Instruments and Methods Section B179 179, 465-468,, 2001 | 18* | 2001 |
Measurement of ηKL and ηKM vacancy transfer in CrxNi1− x and CrxAl1− x alloys Ö Söğüt Physica Scripta 73 (5), 466, 2006 | 17 | 2006 |