Basak Sahin-Acar
Basak Sahin-Acar
Other namesBasak Sahin, Basak Şahin-Acar, Başak Şahin-Acar
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Mother-child memory conversations and self-construal in Eastern Turkey, Western Turkey and the USA
B Sahin-Acar, MD Leichtman
Memory 23 (1), 69-82, 2015
The relationship between greenery and self-regulation of children: The mediation role of nature connectedness
T Bakir-Demir, SK Berument, B Sahin-Acar
Journal of Environmental Psychology 65, 101327, 2019
The role of culture and self-construal in autobiographical memories of US and Turkish college students
B Sahin, CJ Mebert
Memory 21 (8), 1004-1017, 2013
Aile İklimi Ölçeği’nin Türkçeye uyarlanması ve psikometrik açıdan incelenmesi
B Gönül, HI Baş, BŞ Acar
Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal 8 (50), 165-200, 2018
Effect of video-feedback intervention on Turkish mothers’ sensitivity and physical intrusiveness: a randomized control trial
C Alsancak-Akbulut, B Sahin-Acar, N Sumer
Attachment & Human Development 23 (6), 795-813, 2021
How did you feel back then?: Emotional memory conversations among mother–father–child triads
E Bürümlü-Kisa, B Sahin-Acar
Autobiographical Memory Development, 136-147, 2020
Olumlu ebeveyn davranışlarını artırmaya yönelik video-geri bildirimli müdahale programının anne duyarlığı üzerindeki etkisinin Türkiye'de incelenmesi
N Sümer, İ Metin Orta, C Alsancak-Akbulut, S Salman-Engin, ...
Türk Psikoloji Dergisi 35 (85), 100-116, 2020
How three generations narrate their vicarious family stories: Intrafamilial similarities, gender and cross-generational differences
T Bakir-Demir, E Reese, B Sahin-Acar
Memory 28 (4), 553-566, 2020
Autobiographical memory development and self-construals within and across cultures
B Sahin-Acar, MD Leichtman
Autobiographical Memory Development, 110-118, 2020
Autobiographical memory development: Theoretical and methodological approaches
S Gülgöz, B Sahin-Acar
Routledge, 2020
Intrafamilial Similarities and Cross-Generational Differences in the Earliest Childhood Memories of Daughters, Mothers, and Grandmothers
B Sahin-Acar, T Bakir, EG Kus
Memory 25 (8), 978-985, 2017
Vicarious family stories of Turkish young, middle-aged, and older adults: Are family stories related to well-being?
T Bakir-Demir, E Reese, B Sahin-Acar, EG Tursel
Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition 10 (3), 412-424, 2021
Reunion after a long day: Mother-child dyads’ unshared memory conversations
B Sahin-Acar, B Bahtiyar-Saygan, C Alsancak-Akbulut, E Sagel-Cetiner
Cognitive Development 52, 100822, 2019
Çocukların toplumsal cinsiyet bağlamında sosyal dâhil etme yargıları
B Gönül, BŞ Acar
Türk Psikoloji Dergisi 33 (82), 67, 2018
Anne-ergen çiftlerinin toplumsal cinsiyet rolleriyle ilgili algısının içerik analizi
H Işık-Baş, B Şahin-Acar, A Özen-Çıplak
Türk Psikoloji Yazıları 21 (41), 41-56, 2018
Adolescents view social exclusion based on social class as more wrong than do children.
B Gönül, B Sahin-Acar, M Killen
Developmental psychology 59 (9), 1703, 2023
Perceived contact with friends from lower socioeconomic status reduces exclusion based on social class
B Gönül, B Sahin‐Acar, M Killen
Developmental Science, e13440, 2023
Annenin ebeveyn tutumlarının ve çocuğun annesinin tutumlarıyla ilgili algısının çocuğun duygu tanıma becerilerindeki rolü
A Çalışkan Sarı, B Şahin Acar
Nesne Psikoloji Dergisi 6, 2018
Kim ebeveyn? 12-yaş çocuklarının ebeveynleşme davranışlarını yordayan etkenler
AB İplikçi, B Şahin-Acar
Türk Psikoloji Dergisi 34 (84), 1-18, 2019
The use of episodic and semantic memory systems in classroom context regarding time delay and college experience level
N Elibol‐Pekaslan, B Sahin‐Acar
Applied Cognitive Psychology 32 (6), 701-713, 2018
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Articles 1–20