Konuralp Girgin
Konuralp Girgin
Istanbul Technical University | Civil Engineering Faculty
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Torsional irregularity in multi-story structures
G Özmen, K Girgin, Y Durgun
International Journal of Advanced Structural Engineering (IJASE) 6, 121-131, 2014
Betonarme yapı sistemlerinde ikinci mertebe limit yükün ve göçme güvenliğinin belirlenmesi için bir yük artımı yöntemi
K Girgin
Doktora Tezi, İTÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1996
Free vibration analysis of non-cylindrical helices with, variable cross-section by using mixed FEM
K Girgin
Journal of Sound and Vibration 297 (3-5), 931-945, 2006
Buckling lengths of irregular frame columns
K Girgin, G Ozmen, E Orakdogen
Journal of Constructional Steel Research 62 (6), 605-613, 2006
Seismic response of infilled framed buildings using pushover analysis
K Girgin, K Darılmaz
Department of Civil Engineering, Istanbul Technical University 34469, 2007
Saint-Venant torsion of arbitrarily shaped orthotropic composite or FGM sections by a hybrid finite element approach
K Darılmaz, E Orakdöğen, K Girgin
Acta Mechanica 229, 1387-1398, 2018
Yield conditions and yield vector for combined biaxial bending of rectangular reinforced concrete sections
A Çakıroğlu, E Özer, K Girgin
Proceedings of the Uğur Ersoy Symposium in Structural Engineering, 1-2, 1999
A design-oriented combined model (7 MPa to 190 MPa) for FRP-confined circular short columns
ZC Girgin, K Girgin
Polymers 7 (10), 1905-1917, 2015
Direct determination of influence lines and surfaces by FEM
E Orakdogen, K Girgin
Structural engineering and mechanics: An international journal 20 (3), 279-292, 2005
Torsional rigidity of arbitrarily shaped composite sections by hybrid finite element approach
K Darllmaz, E Orakdogen, K Girgin, S Kucukarslan
Steel and Composite Structures, An International Journal 7 (3), 241-251, 2007
Performance evaluation of a strengthened building considering the soil-structure interaction
E Orakdöğen, K Girgin, MH Boduroğlu, B Büyükşişli, T Gökçe
Journal of Earthquake Engineering 12 (S2), 222-233, 2008
A simplified solution of the torsional rigidity of the composite beams by using FEM
A Saygun, MH Omurtag, E Orakdogen, K Girgin, S Kucukarslan, ...
Advances in Structural Engineering 10 (5), 467-473, 2007
Buckling lengths of unbraced multi-storey frame columns
G Ozmen, K Girgin
Structural Engineering and Mechanics 19 (1), 55-72, 2005
A numerical method for static or dynamic stiffness matrix of non-uniform members resting on variable elastic foundations
ZC Girgin, K Girgin
Engineering Structures 27 (9), 1373-1384, 2005
Simplified procedure for determining buckling loads of three-dimensional framed structures
K Girgin, G Ozmen
Engineering structures 29 (9), 2344-2352, 2007
Deprem bölgelerindeki mevcut betonarme yapıların deprem güvenliklerinin belirlenmesi ve rehabilitasyonu
E Özer, S Pala, E Orakdöğen, K Girgin
Teknik Rapor TDV/TR, 028-45, 1999
Simplified formulations for the determination of rotational spring constants in rigid spread footings resting on tensionless soil
K Girgin
Journal of Civil Engineering and Management 23 (4), 464-474, 2017
Dış merkez çaprazlı bir çelik perdenin deprem performansının doğrusal olmayan dinamik hesap yöntemi ile değerlendirilmesi
Y Durgun, C Vatansever, K Girgin, E Orakdöğen
Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 19 (6), 266-274, 2013
A method of load increments for the determination of second-order limit load and collapse safety of reinforced concrete framed structures
K Girgin
Dissertation (in Turkish), İTÜ Graduate School of Science Engineering and …, 1996
A numerical method for static and free-vibration analysis of non-uniform Timoshenko beam–columns
ZC Girgin, K Girgin
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 33 (3), 278-293, 2006
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Articles 1–20