Büşra Kulakoğlu
Cited by
Cited by
Higher Education for forcibly displaced migrants in Turkey
Y Kondakci, M Zayim Kurtay, S Kaya Kasikci, HH Senay, B Kulakoglu
Higher Education Research & Development 42 (3), 619-632, 2023
STEM education as a concept borrowing issue: Perspectives of school administrators in Turkey
B Kulakoglu, Y Kondakci
ECNU Review of Education 6 (1), 84-104, 2023
‘Scaling’the academia: Perspectives of academics on the impact of their practices
Y Kondakci, M Zayim-Kurtay, S Kaya-Kasikci, HH Senay, B Kulakoglu
Research Evaluation 30 (3), 370-381, 2021
The Unknown Territory of STEM: The Perceptions of High School Administrators
B Kulakoglu
STEM Uygulamaları ve Eğitim Yönetimi
Y Kondakci, B Kulakoglu
13. Uluslararası Eğitim Yönetimi Kongresi, 1069-1072, 2018
Erasmus Programı’na Katılan Öğrenciler için Hareketlilik Sermayesinin Önemi
B Kulakoğlu, B Bulut Şahin
The Prediction of Teacher Well-Being through Distributed Leadership: A Cross-Cultural Study
B Kulakoglu, A Ersöz
European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) 2023, 2023
University Students' Perceptions of Studying Abroad Based on the Push-Pull Theory
B Kulakoglu, B Bulut-Sahin
European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) 2023, 2023
İtme ve Çekme Teorisinden Hareketle Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Yurt Dışında Eğitim Alma ile İlgili Görüşleri
BB Şahin, B Kulakoğlu
Trakya Eğitim Dergisi 13 (3), 1752-1771, 2023
STEM Education as a Concept Borrowing Issue: Perspectives of School Administrators in Turkey
B Kulakoğlu, Y Kondakci
Rankings and global knowledge governance: higher education, innovation and competitiveness: by Tero Erkkilä and Ossi Piironen, 2018, Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 260 pp.,€ 89.99 …
B Kulakoglu
Educational Review 74 (3), 741-741, 2022
Academic leadership in the post-covid era for research and teaching practices
B Kulakoğlu, S Emil, M Zayim Kurtay
The Unknown Territory of STEM: the Perceptions of High School Administrators
B Kulakoglu, Y Kondakci
ECER 2020 – the European Conference on Educational Research (canceled due to …, 2020
Perspective of Academics on the Impact of Academic Practice
Y Kondakci, M , Zayim Kurtay, HH Şenay, S Kaya Kaşıkcı, B Kulakoğlu
The 4th International Higher Education Studies Conference, 2019
Yükseköğretimde Temel Bilim ve Mühendislik Alanlarında Kadın Öğrenci Deneyimleri
B Kulakoglu, S Emil, Y Kondakci
14. Uluslararası Eğitim Yönetimi Kongresi, 62-63, 2019
Higher Education for Forcibly Displaced Migrants in Turkey and Germany
K Arar, Y Kondakci, M Zayim-Kurtay, S Kaya Kaşıkcı, H Senay, ...
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