Aliye Ahu Gülümser
Cited by
Cited by
Roles of local and newcomer entrepreneurs in rural development: a comparative meta-analytic study
AA Akgun, T Baycan-Levent, P Nijkamp, J Poot
Regional Studies 45 (9), 1207-1223, 2011
Embeddedness of entrepreneurs in rural areas: a comparative rough set data analysis
AA Akgün, P Nijkamp, T Baycan, M Brons
Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie 101 (5), 538-553, 2010
Rethinking on sustainable rural development
AA Akgün, T Baycan, P Nijkamp
European Planning Studies 23 (4), 678-692, 2015
Gated communities in Istanbul: the new walls of the city
AA Akgün, T Baycan
Town Planning Review 83 (1), 87-109, 2011
A multi-actor multi-criteria scenario analysis of regional sustainable resource policy
AA Akgün, E Van Leeuwen, P Nijkamp
Ecological Economics 78, 19-28, 2012
Quantitative SWOT analysis for prioritizing ecotourism-planning decisions in protected areas: Igneada case
S Demir, H Esbah, AA AKGÜN
International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 23 (5), 456-468, 2016
Measuring regional creative capacity: A literature review for rural-specific approaches
AA Gülümser, T Baycan-Levent, P Nijkamp
European Planning Studies 18 (4), 545-563, 2010
Success conditions for urban networks: eurocities and sister cities
T Baycan-Levent, AA Gülümser Akgün, S Kundak
European planning studies 18 (8), 1187-1206, 2010
Diversity and ethnic entrepreneurship: Dialogue through exchanges in the economic arena
T Baycan-Levent, AA Gülümser, S Kundak, P Nijkamp, M Sahin
Sustainable Development in a Diverse World (SUS. DIV) Position paper of …, 2003
Gated communities in Istanbul: The new walls of the city
T Baycan-Levent, AA Gülümser
Third Conference “Diversity in cities: Visible and invisible walls”, UCL …, 2007
Production and marketing of gated communities in Istanbul
T Baycan-Levent, AA Gülümser
Louvain-la-Neuve: European Regional Science Association (ERSA), 2004
City-to-city linkages in a mobile society: the role of urban networks in Eurocities and Sister Cities
T Baycan-Levent, S Kundak, AA Gulumser
International Journal of Services Technology and Management 10 (1), 83-109, 2008
Mapping rurality: analysis of rural structure in Turkey
AA Gulumser, T Baycan-Levent, P Nijkamp
International journal of agricultural resources, governance and ecology 8 (2 …, 2009
Türkiye'nin kırsal yapısı: AB düzeyinde bir karşılaştırma
AA Gülümser, T BAYCAN LEVENT, P Nijkamp
İTÜDERGİSİ/a 9 (2), 2011
A New Trend in Urbanization: Gated Communities in Istanbul
AA Gülümser
Istanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, Master …, 2005
Creative capacity for sustainable development: A comparative analysis of the European and Turkish rural regions
AA Akgun, T Baycan, P Nijkamp
International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy 7 (1-3), 176-191, 2011
Turkey's Rurality: a Comparative Analysis at the EU Level
AA Gülümser, T Baycan-Levent, P Nijkamp
Vrije Universiteit, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, 2009
Gated communities in Istanbul: The new walls of the city
TB Levent, AA Gulumser
Third Conference “Diversity in cities: Visible and invisible walls”, UCL …, 2007
Gated communities from the perspective of developers
T Baycan-Levent, AA Gulumser
Louvain-la-Neuve: European Regional Science Association (ERSA), 2005
Rural areas as promising hotspots: Sustainable development scenarios
AA Gülümser
PhD Thesis), Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey, 316, 2009
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Articles 1–20