Assoc.Prof. Mechanical Eng. Dept. of Necmettin Erbakan University
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Cited by
Design and actuator selection of a lower extremity exoskeleton
Ü Önen, FM Botsalı, M Kalyoncu, M Tınkır, N Yılmaz, Y Şahin
IEEE/ASME Transactions on mechatronics 19 (2), 623-632, 2013
Modelling of neurofuzzy control of a flexible link
M Tinkir, Ü Önen, M Kalyoncu
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of …, 2010
Hierarchical PID controller design for a flexible link robot manipulator using the bees algorithm
D Pham, E Koç, M Kalyoncu, M Tınkır
Methods (eg. genetic algorithm) 25, 32, 2008
Optimisation of a PID controller for a two-floor structure under earthquake excitation based on the bees algorithm
M Arif Şen, M Tinkir, M Kalyoncu
Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control 37 (1), 107-127, 2018
An intelligent system approach for surface roughness and vibrations prediction in cylindrical grinding
İ Asiltürk, M Tinkir, H El Monuayri, L Çelik
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 25 (8), 750-759, 2012
Optimization of torsional vibration damper of cranktrain system using a hybrid damping approach
Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 24 (4), 959-973, 2021
Mechanical design of lower extremity exoskeleton assisting walking of load carrying human
Y Şahin, FM Botsalı, M Kalyoncu, M Tinkir, Ü Önen, N Yılmaz, A Çakan
Applied Mechanics and Materials 598, 141-145, 2014
PID and interval type-2 fuzzy logic control of double inverted pendulum system
M Tinkir, M Kalyoncu, U Onen, FM Botsali
2010 The 2nd International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering …, 2010
Force feedback control of lower extremity exoskeleton assisting of load carrying human
Y Şahin, FM Botsalı, M Kalyoncu, M Tinkir, Ü Önen, N Yılmaz, ÖK Baykan, ...
Applied Mechanics and Materials 598, 546-550, 2014
Fuzzy logic trajectory control of flexible robot manipulator with rotating prismatic joint
FM Botsali, M Tinkir, M Kalyoncu, Ü Önen
2010 The 2nd International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering …, 2010
Prediction of a diesel engine characteristics by using different modelling techniques
A Berber, M Tinkir, SS Gültekin, I Çelikten
International Journal of the Physical Sciences 6 (16), 3979-3992, 2011
Modeling and controller comparison for quarter car suspension system by using pid and type-1 fuzzy logic
A Çakan, FM Botsalı, M Tinkir
Applied Mechanics and Materials 598, 524-528, 2014
Mathematical model for simulation and control of nonlinear vibration of a single flexible link
M Kalyoncu, M Tinkir
5th International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, pages, 435-442, 2006
Modeling and control of scaled a tower crane system
M Tinkir, Ü Önen, M Kalyoncu, Y Şahİn
2011 3rd International Conference on Computer Research and Development 4, 93-98, 2011
Neuro-Fuzzy trajectory control of a scara robot
Y Şahin, M Tinkir, A Ankarali
2010 The 2nd International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering …, 2010
Pid control of inverted pendulum using adams and matlab co-simulation
A Çakan, FM Botsalı, M Tınkır
Proceedings of the 4th international conference on control, mechatronics and …, 2016
Investigation of the effect of hydromechanical deep drawing process parameters on formability of AA5754 sheets metals by using neuro-fuzzy forecasting approach
M Tinkir, M Dilmec, M Türköz, HS Halkaci
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 28 (2), 647-659, 2015
Design and motion control of a lower limb robotic exoskeleton
Ü Önen, FM Botsalı, M Kalyoncu, Y Şahin, M Tınkır
Design, control and applications of mechatronic systems in engineering, 135-152, 2017
Modeling and position control of SCARA type 3D printer
AS Ogulmuş, A Çakan, M Tınkır
International Journal Of Scientific Technology Research 5, 140-143, 2016
Modelling and controller design for a flexible structure system against disturbance effects
M Tinkir, M Kalyoncu, Y ŞLahin
Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control 34 (4), 525-547, 2015
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Articles 1–20