Diane Rasmussen McAdie
Diane Rasmussen McAdie
Other namesDiane Rasmussen Pennington, Diane Rasmussen Neal
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Cited by
The SAGE handbook of social media research methods
L Sloan, A Quan-Haase
Sage Publications, 2022
Putting the pieces together: endometriosis blogs, cognitive authority, and collaborative information behavior
DM Neal, PJ McKenzie
Journal of the Medical Library Association: JMLA 99 (2), 127, 2011
“I did not realize so many options are available”: Cognitive authority, emerging adults, and e-mental health
DM Neal, AJ Campbell, LY Williams, Y Liu, D Nussbaumer
Library & Information Science Research 33 (1), 25-33, 2011
Coding of non-text data
DR Pennington
The SAGE handbook of social media research methods, 232-250, 2017
Social media for academics: a practical guide
DR Neal
Elsevier, 2012
Information overload: a concept analysis
MA Belabbes, I Ruthven, Y Moshfeghi, D Rasmussen Pennington
Journal of Documentation 79 (1), 144-159, 2023
“Why not use it more?” Sources of self-efficacy in researchers’ use of social media for knowledge sharing
H Alshahrani, D Rasmussen Pennington
Journal of Documentation 74 (6), 1274-1292, 2018
Physical therapy 2.0: leveraging social media to engage patients in rehabilitation and health promotion
E Knight, RJ Werstine, DM Rasmussen-Pennington, D Fitzsimmons, ...
Physical therapy 95 (3), 389-396, 2015
CREST+ model: Writing effective online discussion questions
L Akin, D Neal
Journal of Online Learning and Teaching 3 (2), 2007
Folksonomies and image tagging: Seeing the future
D Neal
Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 34 …, 2007
Resource description and access in Europe: Implementations and perceptions
DP Ducheva, DR Pennington
Journal of Librarianship and Information Science 51 (2), 387-402, 2019
Emotion-based tags in photographic documents: The interplay of text, image, and social influence/Les étiquettes basées sur des émotions dans les documents photographiques: l …
DM Neal
Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science 34 (3), 329-353, 2010
Connecting the silos: Implementations and perceptions of linked data across European libraries
D Rasmussen Pennington, L Cagnazzo
Journal of Documentation 75 (3), 643-666, 2019
Information at work: information management in the workplace
K Byström, J Heinström, I Ruthven
Facet Publishing, 2019
A new model for semantic photograph description combining basic levels and user-assigned descriptors
HJ Lee, D Neal
Journal of Information Science 36 (5), 547-565, 2010
N Yau, J Schneider
Bulletin of the American Society for information Science and Technology 35 …, 2009
“How to use it more?” Self-efficacy and its sources in the use of social media for knowledge sharing
H Alshahrani, D Rasmussen Pennington
Journal of Documentation 76 (1), 231-257, 2020
" I Could Be on Facebook by Now": Insights from Canadian Youth on Online Mental Health Information Resources/«Je pourrais déjà être sur Facebook»: points de vue de la jeunesse …
DM Rasmussen-Pennington, G Richardson, C Garinger, ML Contursi
Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science 37 (3), 183-200, 2013
Public library mobile apps in Scotland: views from the local authorities and the public
A Kerr, DR Pennington
Library Hi Tech 36 (2), 237-251, 2018
“The most passionate cover I’ve seen”: emotional information in fan-created U2 music videos
D Rasmussen Pennington
Journal of Documentation 72 (3), 569-590, 2016
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Articles 1–20