Celal Şalçini
Celal Şalçini
NPIstanbul Brain Hospital
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A neurophysiological approach to the complex organisation of the spine: F-wave duration and the cutaneous silent period in restless legs syndrome
B Isak, K Uluc, C Salcini, K Agan, T Tanridag, O Us
Clinical neurophysiology 122 (2), 383-390, 2011
The use of quantitative EEG for differentiating frontotemporal dementia from late-onset bipolar disorder
SZ Metin, TT Erguzel, G Ertan, C Salcini, B Kocarslan, M Cebi, B Metin, ...
Clinical EEG and neuroscience 49 (3), 171-176, 2018
High plasma pentraxin 3 levels in diabetic polyneuropathy patients with nociceptive pain
C Salcini, B Atasever-Arslan, G Sunter, H Gur, FB Isik, CC Saylan, ...
The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine 239 (1), 73-79, 2016
The impact of high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on executive functioning of drug-free patients with treatment-resistant depression
C Şalçini, GH Sayar, M Çebi, O Tan, G Kağan, O Tanrıdağ, N Tarhan
Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology 28 (2), 185-190, 2018
Porencephalic cyst and late onset brief psychotic disorder
OC Noyan, C Şalçini, BS Talu, G Eryilmaz
Case Reports 2016, bcr2016215098, 2016
Motor-unit number estimation is sensitive in detecting motor nerve involvement in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome
O Yilmaz, G Sunter, C Salcini, PK Koytak, T Tanridag, O Us, K Uluc
Journal of Clinical Neurology 12 (2), 166-171, 2016
Episodic headache due to ruptured intracranial dermoid cyst
C Şalçini, D Hatıloğlu, A Evrensel, AO Tanrıdağ
Case Reports 2015, bcr2015209691, 2015
Transcranial magnetic stimulation in a depressive patient with cardiac pacemaker
GH Sayar, C Şalçini, N Tarhan
The Journal of ECT 32 (3), e22-e23, 2016
Comparing the efficiency of speech and language therapy and transcranial magnetic stimulation for treating Broca's aphasia
İC Yaşa, İ Maviş, C Şalçini, M İpek
Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases 32 (6), 107108, 2023
Quantitative EEG Differences in Subtypes of Frontotemporal Dementia
C Salcini, M Cebi, A Berna Sari, O Tanridag, N Tarhan
Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 2020
Brainstem reflexes in systemic lupus erythematosus patients without clinical neurological manifestations
C Salcini, B Baştan, G Sunter, PK Koytak, O Yilmaz, T Tanridağ, US Önder, ...
Archives of Neuropsychiatry 54 (1), 78, 2017
Transcranial direct current stimulation in a patient with schizoaffective disorder manic episode
G Hızlı Sayar, C Salcini, E Özten, IG Gül, G Eryılmaz
Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface 17 (8), 743-745, 2014
Motor nerve impairment in diabetic patients with symmetrical distal sensory polyneuropathy: A single nerve fiber conduction velocity study
G Sunter, K Uluc, C Salcini, CM Temucin, O Yilmaz, T Tanridag, O Us, ...
Muscle & Nerve 49 (1), 84-89, 2014
HI Sun, C Şalçini, A Sun, B Yılmaz, K Agan
Marmara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi 21 (3), 257-260, 2008
Cervical dermatomal zona misdiagnosed as ulnar nerve entrapment
C Şalçini, G Sunter, SA Gümüştaş, A Evensel
BMJ Case Reports, 2015
Valproic acid induced hyperammonaemic encephalopathy: case report
G Eryilmaz, IG Gül, BO Ünsalver, C Salçini, E Saglam
Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences 4 (4), 182, 2014
Cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome related to chiari malformation: a case report
GH Sayar, C Salcini, E Ozten, G Eryilmaz, O Tanridag
Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences 3 (4), 182, 2013
Proteasome Modulator 9 Gene rs14259 Polymorphism in Patients with Diabetic Polyneuropathy
C Şalçini, G Sunter, B Atasever Arslan, F Özen, Y Özer
Archives of Neuropsychiatry, 2020
Bipolar afektif bozukluk ile frontotemporal demans ilişkisi: Bir olgu serisi
G Eryılmaz, E Özten, GH Sayar, I Göğçegöz, G Kağan, C Salcini, ...
Güncel Psikiyatri ve Psikonörofarmakoloji Dergisi,(3) 2, 37-42, 2013
Transkraniyal manyetik uyarim tedavisi sirasinda ortaya çikan nöbet/Seizure in a patient receiving transcranial magnetic stimulation treatment
GH Sayar, O Tan, G Eryilmaz, E Özten, C Salçini, N Tarhan
Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi 14 (3), 287, 2013
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Articles 1–20