Milan Brankov
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Cited by
The contribution of soil tillage and nitrogen rate to the quality of maize grain
M Simić, V Dragičević, S Mladenović Drinić, J Vukadinović, B Kresović, ...
Agronomy 10 (7), 976, 2020
The response of maize lines to foliar fertilizing
M Brankov, M Simić, Ž Dolijanović, M Rajković, V Mandić, V Dragičević
Agriculture 10 (9), 365, 2020
The influence of maize–winter wheat rotation and pre-emergence herbicides on weeds and maize productivity
M Brankov, M Simić, V Dragičević
Crop protection 143, 105558, 2021
Genotype and sowing time effects on soybean yield and quality
V Mandić, S Đorđević, N Đorđević, Z Bijelić, V Krnjaja, M Petričević, ...
Agriculture 10 (11), 502, 2020
Evaluation of the nutritional profile of sweet maize after herbicide and foliar fertilizer application
J Mesarović, J Srdić, S Mladenović-Drinić, V Dragičević, M Simić, ...
Journal of Cereal Science 87, 132-137, 2019
Crop rotation influence on annual and perennial weed control and maize productivity
M Simić, I Spasojević, D Kovacević, M Brankov, V Dragicević
Romanian Agricultural Research 33, 125-133, 2016
Integrated weed management in long-term maize cultivation
M Simić, V Dragičević, D Chachalis, Ž Dolijanović, M Brankov
Zemdirbyste 107 (1), 33-40, 2020
Organska poljoprivreda u Srbiji
M Tabaković, M Simić, V Dragičević, M Brankov
Selekcija i semenarstvo 23 (2), 45-53, 2017
Integrated effects of herbicides and foliar fertilizer on corn inbred line
M Brankov, M Simic, J Mesarovic, B Kresovic, V Dragicevic
Chilean journal of agricultural research 80 (1), 50-60, 2020
Antioxidant status of the different sweet maize hybrids under herbicide and foliar fertilizer application
J Mesarović, J Srdić, S Mladenović-Drinić, V Dragičević, MR Simić, ...
Genetika 50 (3), 1023-1033, 2018
The influence of different tillage practices on the soil moisture and nitrogen status
V Dragičević, M Simić, T VIDENOVIĆ, B Kresović, I Spasojević, M Brankov
Journal of Central European Agriculture, 2012
Genotype dependent tolerance to herbicides of maize (Zea mays, L) inbred lines
M Brankov, M Simić, V Dragičević, I Spasojević, S Vrbničanin
Genetika 47 (1), 97-106, 2015
Enhanced nutritional quality of sweet maize kernel in response to cover crops and bio-fertilizer
V Dragicevic, Ž Dolijanović, B Janosevic, M Brankov, M Stoiljkovic, ...
Agronomy 11 (5), 981, 2021
Effects of different cropping systems and weed management methods on free energy and content of pigments in maize
I Spasojević, VD Dragičević, M Simić, D Kovačević, M Brankov
Pesticidi i fitomedicina 29 (1), 45-54, 2014
Weed infestation in maize stands influenced by the crop rotation and herbicidal control.
I Spasojević, M Simić, V Dragičević, M Brankov, M Filipović
Herbologia 13 (1), 2012
Improving cropping technology of maize to reduce the impact of climate changes
M Simić, B Kresović, V Dragičević, M Tolimir, M Brankov
Proceedings of the IX International Scientific Agriculture Symposium …, 2018
Effects of fertilising systems on maize production in longterm monoculture.
M Simic, V Dragicevic, I Spasojevic, D Kovacevic, M Brankov, Z Jovanovic
Adjuvant and nozzle effects on weed control using mesotrione and rimsulfuron plus thifensulfuron-methyl
M Brankov, BC Vieira, GS Alves, M Zaric, B Vukoja, T Houston, GR Kruger
Crop Protection 167, 106209, 2023
Kernel color and fertilization as factors of enhanced maize quality
V Dragičević, M Brankov, M Stoiljković, M Tolimir, P Kanatas, I Travlos, ...
Frontiers in plant science 13, 1027618, 2022
Integrated effects of nitrogen form, row spacing, and herbicide treatment on maize
MF M. Simić, V. Dragičević, M. Babić, M. Brankov
Agronomy journal, 748-757, 2020
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Articles 1–20