Esra Dişçi
Esra Dişçi
Atatürk üniversitesi tıp fakültesi genel cerrahi anabilim dalında Dr. Öğretim Üyesi
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Cited by
Safety and efficacy of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce ileus after colorectal surgery
Journal of British Surgery 107 (2), e161-e169, 2020
Sigmoid volvulus and ileosigmoid knotting: an update
SS Atamanalp, R Peksöz, E Dişçi
The Eurasian Journal of Medicine 54 (1), S91, 2022
Safety of hospital discharge before return of bowel function after elective colorectal surgery
Journal of British Surgery 107 (5), 552-559, 2020
Significance of laboratory parameters in diagnosing acute appendicitis during pregnancy
R Peksöz, E Dişçi, A Kaya, E Ağırman, E Korkut, N Aksungur, N Altundaş, ...
ANZ Journal of Surgery 92 (1-2), 121-127, 2022
Sigmoid volvulus complicating pregnancy: a case report
SS Atamanalp, A Kisaoglu, B Ozogul, M Kantarci, E Disci, OH Bulut, ...
The Eurasian Journal of Medicine 47 (1), 75, 2015
Factors precipitating volvulus formation in sigmoid volvulus
E Dişçi, SS Atamanalp
Turkish Journal of Trauma & Emergency Surgery 28 (3), 281, 2022
Factors affecting the mortality at patients with burns: Single centre results.
A Temiz, A Albayrak, R Peksoz, E Dişçi, E Korkut, Y Tanrikulu, Y Albayrak
Ulusal travma ve acil cerrahi dergisi= Turkish journal of trauma & emergency …, 2020
Factors affecting recurrence in sigmoid volvulus
E Korkut, R Peksoz, E Disci, SS Atamanalp
Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences 39 (1), 150, 2023
Management of sigmoid volvulus: a literature review
SS Atamanalp, E Disci, R Peksoz, RS Atamanalp, CT Atamanalp
Ibnosina Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, 2023
Sigmoid volvulus: Comorbidity with sigmoid gangrene
SS Atamanalp, E Disci, RS Atamanalp
Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences 35 (1), 288, 2019
Ileosigmoid knotting: a review of 923 cases
SS Atamanalp, E Disci, R Peksoz, RS Atamanalp, CT Atamanalp
Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences 38 (3Part-I), 711, 2022
The role of choledochoscopy in hepatopancreatobiliary diseases
E Disci, SS Atamanalp, B Ozogul, MI Yildirgan
The Eurasian Journal of Medicine 48 (1), 29, 2016
Pre‐procedure intravenous lidocaine administration on propofol consumption for endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography: A prospective, randomized, double‐blind study
I Ates, ME Aydin, B Albayrak, E Disci, EO Ahiskalioglu, EC Celik, O Baran, ...
Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology 36 (5), 1286-1290, 2021
Timing of nasogastric tube insertion and the risk of postoperative pneumonia: an international, prospective cohort study
EuroSurg Collaborative, JC Glasbey, S Bibi, F Pata, BB Ozkan, ...
Colorectal Disease 22 (12), 2288-2297, 2020
Sigmoid volvulus: diagnostic modalities and sigmoid gangrene
SS Atamanalp, E Disci
The Eurasian Journal of Medicine 53 (2), 166, 2021
Recurrence–Preventive Role of Flatus Tubes Following Endoscopic Decompression in Sigmoid Volvulus
SS Atamanalp, E Dişçi, R Peksöz, E Korkut, N Aksungur, N Altundaş, ...
The Turkish Journal of Gastroenterology 34 (4), 371, 2023
A rare acute abdomen case: Acute appendicitis in a patient with situs inversus totalis
R Peksöz, M Yeni, A Dablan, E Dişçi
Journal of Surgery and Medicine 3 (10), 766-768, 2019
Microorganisms isolated from the bile of the patients who have undergone cholecystectomy and their antibiotic resistance pattern: multicenter prospective study
D Ozturk-Engin, C Agalar, Y Cag, FK Can, II Balkan, O Karabay, ...
International Microbiology 25 (4), 759-767, 2022
Spontaneous Detorsion of Sigmoid Volvulus in a patient with Nineteen-Volvulus episode history: A rare outcome of an extremely rare clinical entity
SS Atamanalp, E Disci, CT Atamanalp, RS Atamanalp
Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences 37 (7), 2029, 2021
Diagnostic value of serum levels of galanin and obestatin in patients with gastric cancer
FA Uygur, E Dişçi, R Peksöz, N Öztürk, Mİ Yildirgan, Y Albayrak
Revista da Associação Médica Brasileira 68 (7), 888-892, 2022
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Articles 1–20