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Edlyn Peña
Edlyn Peña
callutheran.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Exploring effective support practices for doctoral students’ degree completion
IJ West, G Gokalp, EV Pena, L Fischer, J Gupton
College Student Journal 45 (2), 310-323, 2011
Marginalization of published scholarship on students with disabilities in higher education journals
EV Peña
Journal of College Student Development 55 (1), 30-40, 2014
Critical perspectives on disability identity
EV Peña, LD Stapleton, LM Schaffer
New Directions for Student Services 2016 (154), 85-96, 2016
Self-authorship among first-generation undergraduate students: A qualitative study of experiences and catalysts.
AM Carpenter, EV Peña
Journal of Diversity in Higher Education 10 (1), 86, 2017
Contextual problem defining: Learning to think and act from the standpoint of equity.
EV Pena, EM Bensimon, J Colyar
Liberal Education 92 (2), 48-55, 2006
Unwanted sexual contact: Students with autism and other disabilities at greater risk
KR Brown, EV Peña, S Rankin
Journal of College Student Development 58 (5), 771-776, 2017
Building authenticity in social media tools to recruit postsecondary students
JK Sandlin, EV Peña
Innovative Higher Education 39, 333-346, 2014
Leaders in support: Exceptional faculty members who responsively teach and advise students with autism spectrum disorders
KS Austin
California Lutheran University, 2014
Too Korean to be White and too White to be Korean: Ethnic identity development among transracial Korean American adoptees
J Hoffman, EV Peña
Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice 50 (2), 152-170, 2013
Parents' experiences in the transition of students with autism spectrum disorders to community college
EV Peña, J Kocur
Journal of Applied Research in the Community College 20 (2), 25-32, 2013
Inquiry methods for critical consciousness and self-change in faculty
EV Peña
The Review of Higher Education 36 (1), 69-92, 2012
Faculty institutional agents in community college
M Carrasco-Nungaray, EV Peña
Journal of Applied Research in the Community College 20 (1), 41-48, 2012
Understanding disability frameworks in higher education research
K Brown, E Peña, E Broido, L Stapleton, N Evans
Theory and method in higher education research, 19-36, 2019
Communication alternatives in autism: Perspectives on typing and spelling approaches for the nonspeaking
EV Peña
McFarland, 2019
A universal research design for student affairs scholars and practitioners
E Peña, L Stapleton, KR Brown, E Broido, K Stygles, S Rankin
College Student Affairs Journal 36 (2), 1-14, 2018
The cognitive frames which institutional actors interpret inequality in educational outcomes among Black and Hispanic college students
EM Bensimon, EV Pena, C Castillo
meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education in Kansas City, MO, 2004
Academic identity development of undocumented college students
C Tangalakis, EV Peña
Journal of Student Affairs 25, 53, 2015
Faculty learning and reflection from student interviews
LP Blake, EV Peña, D Akiyama, E Braker, DK Maeda, MA McDonald, ...
Confronting Equity Issues on Campus, 96-116, 2012
Autistic-Centered Program Development and Assessment Practices (Practice Brief).
EV Peña, D Gassner, KR Brown
Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability 33 (3), 233-240, 2020
The responsive academic practitioner: Using inquiry methods for self-change
EV Pena
University of Southern California, 2007
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