Hüseyin erduğan
Hüseyin erduğan
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One-step fabrication of biocompatible carboxymethyl cellulose polymeric particles for drug delivery systems
S Butun, FG Ince, H Erdugan, N Sahiner
Carbohydrate polymers 86 (2), 636-643, 2011
Check-list of Black Sea seaweeds, Turkey (1823-1994)
V Aysel, H Erdugan
Oceanographic Literature Review 5 (43), 500, 1996
Marine flora of Sinop (Black Sea, Turkey)
A Şenkardeşler, F Aysel
Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 21 (1), 59-68, 2004
Seasonal concentrations of some heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Zn, and Cu) in Ulva rigida J. Agardh (Chlorophyta) from Dardanelles (Canakkale, Turkey)
M Ustunada, H Erduğan, S Yılmaz, R Akgul, V Aysel
Environmental monitoring and assessment 177, 337-342, 2011
Porous and modified HA particles as potential drug delivery systems
N Sahiner, C Silan, S Sagbas, P Ilgin, S Butun, H Erdugan, RS Ayyala
Microporous and mesoporous materials 155, 124-130, 2012
Loliolide in marine algae
A Percot, A Yalçın, V Aysel, H Erduğan, B Dural, KC Güven
Natural Product Research 23 (5), 460-465, 2009
Morphological and molecular characterization of Scenedesmus-like species from Ergene river basin (Thrace, Turkey)
F Akgul, IT Kizilkaya, R Akgul, H Erdugan
Osteryoung square wave voltammetric determination of phenazopyridine hydrochloride in human urine and tablet dosage forms based on electrochemical reduction at carbon paste …
M Citak, S Yilmaz, Y Dilgin, G Turker, S Yagmur, H Erdugan, N Erdugan
Current Pharmaceutical Analysis 3 (2), 141-145, 2007
Marine algae and seagrasses of Samsun (Black Sea, Turkey)
V Aysel, B Dural, A Şenkardeşler, H Erduğan, F Aysel
Journal of Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment 14 (1), 53-67, 2008
β-Phenylethylamine content in marine algae around Turkish coasts
A Percot, A Yalcın, V Aysel, H Erdugan, B Dural, KC Güven
Walter de Gruyter 52 (1), 87-90, 2009
Barutçu Gölü’nün (Selçuk, İzmir, Türkiye) Mikro-ve Makro-algleri
V Aysel, U Gezerler-Şipal, F Aysel, H Erduğan, E Türker
Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 19 (1), 1-11, 2002
Marine algae and seagrasses of Hatay (Mediterranean, Turkey)
V Aysel, H Erdugan, ES Okudan
Journal of Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment 12 (2), 159-179, 2006
Marine algae and seagrasses of Giresun shores (Black Sea, Turkey)
V Aysel, H Erdugan, B Duraltarakçi, ES Okudan
Journal of Black Sea/Mediterranean environment 11 (3), 241-300, 2005
Marine algae of Bartın
V Aysel, H Erduğan, A Sukatar, H Güner, M Öztürk
Tr. J. of Botany 20, 251-258, 1996
New record for the east Mediterranean, Dardanelles (Turkey) and its distribution: Polysiphonia morrowii Harvey (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta)
H Erduğan, C Akı, O Acar, B Dural, V Aysel
Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 9 (2), 2009
Marine algae and seagrasses of Adana (Mediterranean, Turkey)
V Aysel, H Erdugan, ES Okudan
Journal of Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment 12 (1), 35-57, 2006
Marine Flora of Kastamonu (Black Sea, Turkey)
V Aysel, H Erdugan, B Dural-Tarakçi
Journal of Black Sea/Mediterranean environment 11 (2), 179-194, 2005
Marine algae and seagrasses of Tekirdag (Black Sea, Turkey)
V Aysel, H Erdugan, B Dural, E Sükranokudan
Journal of Black Sea/Mediterranean environment 12 (3), 251-267, 2006
Volatile oils from marine macroalgae
KC Güven, E Sezik, F Kaleağasioğlu, H Erdugan, B Coban, E Karakaş
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013
Fungal and bacterial diseases control with ElexaTM plant booster
O Acar, C Aki, H Erdugan
Fresenius Environ. Bull 17, 797-802, 2008
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Articles 1–20