On distinguished representations. YZ Flicker
Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/New York 1991 (418), 139-172, 1991
173 1991 Automorphic forms on covering groups ofGL (2) YZ Flicker
Inventiones mathematicae 57 (2), 119-182, 1980
156 1980 Metaplectic correspondence YZ Flicker, DA Kazhdan
Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS 64, 53-110, 1986
138 1986 Twisted tensors and Euler products YZ Flicker
Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France 116 (3), 295-313, 1988
134 1988 A simple trace formula YZ Flicker, DA Kazhdan
Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 50 (1), 189-200, 1988
61 1988 Grothendieck’s theorem on non-abelian 𝐻² and local-global principles Y Flicker, C Scheiderer, R Sujatha
Journal of the American Mathematical Society 11 (3), 731-750, 1998
58 1998 Counting local systems with principal unipotent local monodromy P Deligne, YZ Flicker
Annals of mathematics, 921-982, 2013
57 2013 On zeroes of the twisted tensorL-function YZ Flicker
Mathematische Annalen 297 (1), 199-219, 1993
51 1993 Rigidity for automorphic forms YZ Flicker
Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 49 (1), 135-202, 1987
48 1987 Quaternionic distinguished representations YZ Flicker, JL Hakim
American Journal of Mathematics 116 (3), 683-736, 1994
43 1994 The trace formula and base change for GL (3) YZ Flicker
(No Title), 1982
42 1982 Regular trace formula and base change lifting YZ Flicker
American Journal of Mathematics 110 (4), 739-764, 1988
39 1988 The trace formula and base change for GL (3) YZ Flicker
Springer, 2006
34 2006 Geometric Ramanujan conjecture and Drinfeld reciprocity law YZ FLICKER, DA KAZHDAN
Number theory, trace formulas and discrete groups, 201-218, 1989
34 1989 Transfer of orbital integrals and division algebras YZ Flicker
32 1989 The tame algebra Y Flicker
J. Lie Theory 21, 469-489, 2011
31 2011 Matching of Orbital Integrals on and YZ Flicker
American Mathematical Soc., 1999
31 1999 On poles of twisted tensor -functions YZ Flicker, D Zinoviev
26 1995 On the symmetric square: applications of a trace formula YZ Flicker
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 330 (1), 125-152, 1992
26 1992 Regular trace formula and base change for YZ Flicker
Annales de l'institut Fourier 40 (1), 1-30, 1990
26 1990