Bursa Uludag University
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Cited by
Freeze–thaw resistance, mechanical and transport properties of self-consolidating concrete incorporating coarse recycled concrete aggregate
M Tuyan, A Mardani-Aghabaglou, K Ramyar
Materials & Design 53, 983-991, 2014
Comparison of fly ash, silica fume and metakaolin from mechanical properties and durability performance of mortar mixtures view point
A Mardani-Aghabaglou, GI Sezer, K Ramyar
Construction and Building Materials 70, 17-25, 2014
Freeze–thaw resistance and transport properties of high-volume fly ash roller compacted concrete designed by maximum density method
A Mardani-Aghabaglou, Ö Andiç-Çakir, K Ramyar
Cement and Concrete Composites 37, 259-266, 2013
Effect of different types of superplasticizer on fresh, rheological and strength properties of self-consolidating concrete
A Mardani-Aghabaglou, M Tuyan, G Yılmaz, Ö Arıöz, K Ramyar
Construction and Building Materials 47, 1020-1025, 2013
Mechanical and durability performance of concrete incorporating fine recycled concrete and glass aggregates
A Mardani-Aghabaglou, M Tuyan, K Ramyar
Materials and Structures 48, 2629–2640, 2015
Mechanical properties of high-volume fly ash roller compacted concrete designed by maximum density method
A Mardani-Aghabaglou, K Ramyar
Construction and building materials 38, 356-364, 2013
Effect of the addition of polypropylene fiber on concrete properties
MR Latifi, Ö Biricik, A Mardani Aghabaglou
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 36 (4), 345-369, 2022
Assessment of materials, design parameters and some properties of 3D printing concrete mixtures; a state-of-the-art review
HG Şahin, A Mardani-Aghabaglou
Construction and Building Materials 316, 125865, 2022
Adsorption properties of polycarboxylate ether-based high range water reducing admixture on cementitious systems: A review
K Karakuzu, V Kobya, A Mardani-Aghabaglou, B Felekoğlu, K Ramyar
Construction and Building Materials 312, 125366, 2021
Effect of side chain length change of polycarboxylate-ether based high range water reducing admixture on properties of self-compacting concrete
MG Altun, S Özen, A Mardani-Aghabaglou
Construction and Building Materials 246, 118427, 2020
Effect of cement fineness on properties of cementitious materials containing high range water reducing admixture
A Mardani-Aghabaglou, AE Son, B Felekoglu, K Ramyar
Journal of Green Building 12 (1), 142-167, 2017
Freeze–thaw resistance and chloride-ion penetration of cement-stabilized clay exposed to sulfate attack
A Mardani-Aghabaglou, İ Kalıpcılar, Gİ Sezer, A Sezer, S Altun
Applied Clay Science 115, 179-188, 2015
Effect of gypsum type on properties of cementitious materials containing high range water reducing admixture
A Mardani-Aghabaglou, OC Boyacı, H Hosseinnezhad, B Felekoğlu, ...
Cement and Concrete Composites 68, 15-26, 2016
State-of-art review of bacteria-based self-healing concrete: Biomineralization process, crack healing, and mechanical properties
B Aytekin, A Mardani, Ş Yazıcı
Construction and Building Materials 378, 131198, 2023
Effect of Cement Content on Properties of Cementitious Systems Containing High-Range Water-Reducing Admixture
A Mardani-Aghabaglou, B Felekoğlu, K Ramyar
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 29 (8), 04017066, 2017
Improving the mechanical and durability performance of recycled concrete aggregate-bearing mortar mixtures by using binary and ternary cementitious systems
A Mardani-Aghabaglou, C Yüksel, A Beglarigale, K Ramyar
Construction and Building Materials 196, 295-306, 2019
Mechanical properties and impact resistance of roller-compacted concrete containing polypropylene fibre
Ş Yazici, A Mardani-Aghabaglou, M Tuyan, AA Üte
Magazine of concrete research 67 (16), 867-875, 2015
Sustainable materials: a review of recycled concrete aggregate utilization as pavement material
B Aytekin, A Mardani-Aghabaglou
Transportation Research Record 2676 (3), 468-491, 2022
Effect of the polycarboxylate based water reducing admixture structure on self-compacting concrete properties: Main chain length
S Özen, MG Altun, A Mardani-Aghabaglou
Construction and Building Materials 255, 119360, 2020
Effect of high temperature on polypropylene fiber-reinforced mortars containing colemanite wastes
MY Durgun, S Özen, K Karakuzu, V Kobya, SH Bayqra, ...
Construction and Building Materials 316, 125827, 2022
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Articles 1–20