Sachit Rajbhandari
Sachit Rajbhandari
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The agrovoc linked dataset
C Caracciolo, A Stellato, A Morshed, G Johannsen, S Rajbhandari, ...
Semantic Web 4 (3), 341-348, 2013
Thesaurus maintenance, alignment and publication as linked data: the AGROVOC use case
C Caracciolo, A Stellato, S Rajbahndari, A Morshed, G Johannsen, ...
International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies 7 (1), 65-75, 2012
VocBench: a web application for collaborative development of multilingual thesauri
A Stellato, S Rajbhandari, A Turbati, M Fiorelli, C Caracciolo, T Lorenzetti, ...
The Semantic Web. Latest Advances and New Domains: 12th European Semantic …, 2015
The AGROVOC Concept Scheme–A Walkthrough
S Rajbhandari, J Keizer
Journal of Integrative Agriculture 11 (5), 694-699, 2012
Leveraging Machine Learning to Extend Ontology-Driven Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis (O-GEOBIA): A Case Study in Forest-Type Mapping
S Rajbhandari, J Aryal, J Osborn, A Lucieer, R Musk
Remote Sensing 11 (5), 503, 2019
Benchmarking the Applicability of Ontology in Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis
S Rajbhandari, J Aryal, J Osborn, R Musk, A Lucieer
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 6 (12), 386, 2017
The AGROVOC Concept Server Workbench: A collaborative tool for managing multilingual knowledge
P Yongyuth, D Thamvijit, T Suksangsri, A Kawtrakul, S Rajbhandari, ...
IAALD AFITA WCCA2008, World Conference on Agricultural Information and IT, 24-27, 2008
Semantic-augmented support in spatial-temporal multimedia blog management
S Rajbhandari, F Andres, M Naito, V Wuwongse
International Conference on Topic Map Research and Applications, 215-226, 2006
A collaborative framework for managing and publishing KOS
A Stellato, A Morshed, G Johannsen, Y Jaques, C Caracciolo, ...
Problems-Solving Map Extraction with Collective Intelligence Analysis and Language Engineering
A Kawtrakul, C Pechsiri, S Rajbhandari, F Andres
Information Retrieval in Biomedicine: Natural Language Processing for …, 2009
Workbench with Authoring Tools for Collaborative Multi-lingual Ontological Knowledge Construction and Maintenance.
M Suktarachan, D Thamvijit, S Rajbhandari, D Noikongka, ...
LREC, 2008
J. Keizer e Y. Jacques,«Thesaurus Maintenance, Alignment and Publication as Linked Data,»
C Caracciolo, A Stellato, S Rajbahndari, A Morshed, G Johannsen
International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies (IJMSO) 7 (1), 65-75, 0
Topic Maps Management in Spatial-Temporal Multimedia Blog
S Rajbhandari, V Wuwongse, F Andres, M Naito
2006 1st International Conference on Digital Information Management, 81-88, 2006
Collaborative development of multilingual thesauri with vocbench (system description and demonstrator)
A Stellato, S Rajbhandari, A Turbati, M Fiorelli, C Caracciolo, T Lorenzetti, ...
The Semantic Web: ESWC 2015 Satellite Events: ESWC 2015 Satellite Events …, 2015
Multilinguality in AGROVOC concept scheme: challenges and experiences
MLS Niu, G Johannsen, A Morshed, S Rajbhandari, J Keizer, L Kiran, ...
Proc. the joint international symposium on natural language processing and …, 2011
The AGROVOC Concept Server Workbench System: Empowering management of agricultural vocabularies with semantics
M Sini, S Rajbhandari, M Amirhosseini, G Johannsen, A Morshed, ...
IAALD XIIIth World Congress, Montpellier (France), 26-29 April 2010, 09-22, 2010
Collective intelligence management on digital agriculture resources
F Andres, A Kawtrakul, R Chbeir, S Rajbhandari
2nd International. Conference on Software, Knowledge, Information Management …, 2008
Employing Ontology to Capture Expert Intelligence within GEOBIA: Automation of the Interpretation Process
S Rajbhandari, J Aryal, J Osborn, A Lucieer, R Musk
Remote Sensing and Cognition, 165-184, 2018
Improving disaster responsiveness using a mix of social media and e-government
A Kawtrakul, I Mulasastra, H Chanlekha, K Prathumchai, M Nagai, ...
International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development 2 …, 2012
A workbench for collaborative ontological knowledge construction and maintenance with authoring tools
D Noikongka, D Thamvijit, A Imsombut, M Suktarachan, S Rajbhandari, ...
OntoLex07-From Text to Knowledge: The Lexicon/Ontology Interface, 98-107, 2007
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Articles 1–20