Ramesh C. Sharma
Cited by
Cited by
Emergency remote teaching in a time of global crisis due to CoronaVirus pandemic
A Bozkurt, RC Sharma
Asian journal of distance education 15 (1), i-vi, 2020
A global outlook to the interruption of education due to COVID-19 pandemic: Navigating in a time of uncertainty and crisis
A Bozkurt, I Jung, J Xiao, V Vladimirschi, R Schuwer, G Egorov, S Lambert, ...
Asian Journal of Distance Education 15 (1), 1-126, 2020
Nations within a nation: variations in epidemiological transition across the states of India, 1990–2016 in the Global Burden of Disease Study
L Dandona, R Dandona, GA Kumar, DK Shukla, VK Paul, K Balakrishnan, ...
The Lancet 390 (10111), 2437-2460, 2017
Is Metaverse in education a blessing or a curse: a combined content and bibliometric analysis
A Tlili, R Huang, B Shehata, D Liu, J Zhao, AHS Metwally, H Wang, ...
Smart Learning Environments 9 (1), 1-31, 2022
Interactive multimedia in education and training
S Mishra, RC Sharma
Igi Global, 2005
Barriers in using technology for education in developing countries
RC Sharma
International Conference on Information Technology: Research and Education …, 2003
Education in normal, new normal, and next normal: Observations from the past, insights from the present and projections for the future
A Bozkurt, RC Sharma
Asian Journal of Distance Education 15 (2), i-x, 2020
Increased expression of MMP-2 and MMP-9 in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.
S Samantaray, R Sharma, TK Chattopadhyaya, SD Gupta, R Ralhan
Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology 130, 37-44, 2004
Encyclopedia of distance learning
PL Rogers, 2009
Aluminum–air batteries: A viability review
P Goel, D Dobhal, RC Sharma
Journal of Energy Storage 28, 101287, 2020
Interactions in online education
C Juwah
Implications for theory and practice. Abingdon, UK: Routhledge, 2006
The landscape of artificial intelligence in open, online and distance education: Promises and concerns
RC Sharma, P Kawachi, A Bozkurt
Asian Journal of Distance Education 14 (2), 1-2, 2019
VEGF/VEGFR pathway inhibitors as anti-angiogenic agents: present and future
P S Sharma, R Sharma, T Tyagi
Current cancer drug targets 11 (5), 624-653, 2011
Production technology and quality characteristics of mead and fruit-honey wines: A review
JK Gupta, R Sharma
CSIR, 2009
Convergence for EVPN multi-homed networks
N Manthiramoorthy, V Srinivasan, R Sharma
US Patent 10,333,836, 2019
Plasma cell balanitis: clinical and histopathological features--response to circumcision.
B Kumar, R Sharma, M Rajagopalan, BD Radotra
Sexually Transmitted Infections 71 (1), 32-34, 1995
Laparoscopically assisted radical vaginal hysterectomy (Coelio-Schauta): a comparison with open Wertheim/Meigs hysterectomy
R Sharma, J Bailey, R Anderson, J Murdoch
International Journal of Gynecologic Cancer 16 (5), 2006
Responding to the initial challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic: Analysis of international responses and impact in school and higher education
CM Stracke, D Burgos, G Santos-Hermosa, A Bozkurt, RC Sharma, ...
Sustainability 14 (3), 1876, 2022
Almost Ricci solitons and -contact geometry
R Sharma
Monatshefte für Mathematik 175 (4), 621-628, 2014
Influence of silicon (wt.%) and heat treatment on abrasive wear behaviour of cast Al–Si–Mg alloys
R Sharma, DK Dwivedi
Materials Science and Engineering: A 408 (1-2), 274-280, 2005
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Articles 1–20